Zirkumzision nach Frenulotomie bei Vorhautverengung?


Ich, m | 18, hatte immer Probleme, meine Vorhaut gänzlich hinter die Eichel zu ziehen. Aus diesem Grund bin ich im Herbst vergangenen Jahres erstmals selbst zum Arzt, welcher mir daraufhin Salben und Cremen zur Behandlung verschrieben hat. Nachdem diese aber leider ohne Erfolg blieb, hat er die Verklebungen mittels einer Sonde gelöst und mir wiederum eine Salbe mitgegeben.

Fortan war es möglich, die Vorhaut zumindest im schlaffen Zustand bis hinter die Eichel zu ziehen, erigiert funktioniert es leider bis heute nicht. Nach einem weiteren Besuch beim selben Arzt wurde ich ins Krankenhaus überwiesen, um mich dort einer Frenulotomie zu unterziehen, mit der Hoffnung, dass sich die Verlängerung meines viel zu kurzen Vorhautbändchens positiv auf die Verengung auswirkt.

Leider hat auch dieser Eingriff nicht wirklich eine starke Veränderung herbeigeführt, die Vorhaut geht zwar etwas weiter zurück, jedoch noch lange nicht ohne leichte Schmerzen und einen beachtlichen Schnürring. Da mein erster Arzt einer Zirkumzision eher negativ gegenüberstand, habe ich mir bei einem zweiten Doktor eine weitere Meinung eingeholt, die klar für eine derartige OP stimmte. Nach der folgenden Besprechung im Krankenhaus meinte der zuständige Arzt, die Zirkumzision wäre nach Betrachtung des Penis im schlaffen Zustand nicht unbedingt notwendig. Dazu fügt er hinzu, dass er sie jedoch trotzdem durchführen kann, wenn ich die Vorhaut nicht gänzlich hinter die Eichel ziehen kann.

Nun bin ich in diesem Zwiespalt, ob es denn besser ist den Eingriff durchführen zu lassen oder es doch lieber so zu belassen. Die Salben, Cremen etc. waren ja bisher nicht erfolgreich, was eine weitere Behandlung mit diesen nicht wirklich sinnvoll erscheinen lässt. Es macht jedoch auch keinen Sinn, beim Geschlechtsverkehr jedes Mal Gefahr zu laufen, dass größere Risse entstehen oder das Glied aufgrund des Schnürrings stark beschädigt wird.

Habt ihr eventuell einen Rat für mich? Überlegungen? Tipps? Wäre euch sehr dankbar!

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10 months ago


it was similar to me. Prefabricated armchair with 1cm, problems with withdrawal in erection, slight pain in sex. But had fear of circumcision, and so bad the pain was actually not…..I thought….

She asked if she could touch my penis because of suspicion of burglary breakage at my home doctor and when scanning/checking because of rupture. He then pulled back the foreskin twice and meant, “Please let them do this, then they will go better.”

Then, at a young urologist, he was here in the village (practice taken over by an old doctor) and told her that. She also asked how long I’ve been with my girlfriend, whether I have probs with premature sperm. Did you say I’m getting really fast at Oralsex, and I’m afraid I’m squirting my mouth?

During the examination, she then also pulled back foreskin far to light erection and meant that would be too tight and so sex would not be fun.
I would be a young sexually active man and circumcision because of pre-skin narrowing, but also a cosmetic intervention and should be beautiful afterwards. That’s why it completely removes pre-skin, radical circumcision. Just so better sex, hygiene, good for women’s health. End conversation.

In the evening after the surgery, the first sight was really violent: preskin to 2mm away, Frenulum was completely deep out. My girlfriend was also totally surprised, “okay, she really removed everything.”

Now she finds it great:
-Hygiene, super easy and fast wiped
-Optics, so clean, no skin residues
-can screw longer and harder
– She has been totally happy and often blowjobs because she has no more fear that I will come in her mouth

I feel a little less now, but no pain, topp hygiene and can be longer and more intense. Only drawback: Handjob only with sliding gel.

10 months ago
Reply to  HandballJonas

Think about it.
Speak less, but it’s a thousand times more fun. My friend finds sex much better than before.
Now it is also possible to understand the doctor’s helper of domestic doctor, who meant to decrease in blood: circumcision is super, should be made at all boys immediately after birth.

10 months ago
Reply to  HandballJonas

But this is not a pre-skin chair when it stood 1cm in front

10 months ago

I am also circumcised and very satisfied with the result. At the end everything was much easier than thought, and all problems are permanently fixed.

10 months ago

I have experienced similar things to you, even with me the little boy was extended, which was torn, although a circumcision was actually intended. This extension was only negative for me and I was then circumcised later, although there might have been another possibility. I may give you a hint from my own experience if you send me a friendship request.

10 months ago

I have been circumcised, and I find it very good. It’s nothing bad and only an intervention of 30 minutes about. Better do it before it gets really bad. The foreskin can tear at some point. If the arse is for it, do it better.

10 months ago

Oh, ever, that’s a long history of suffering. Now, if you’re cutting yourself a bit and letting the Frenulum be completely removed, it looks good and you don’t have to worry about it anymore.

10 months ago

That sounds like a stupid odyssey. Two doctors say that circumcision is not necessary (including the potential surgeon?), one says yes. That’s what I’ve read. If you’re sure you’re dealing correctly with the ointments (usually treated, not only applied ointment, but also stretched), so the possibility is really exhausted, I would actually have to cut myself. In my case (and with my son) ointments and tendencies have worked very well. Ultimately, you have to weigh it on your own and decide for you.

10 months ago

I can only recommend it from my own experience. What has been done so far is really unnecessary. It should have been cut from the beginning in your case. Small cut with great effect! You’ll be happy! Most of them are uncut. Good luck!

10 months ago
Reply to  Swissdany

I’m right to let you do it right

10 months ago

If you can’t pull your skin back without pain and even form a lacer ring, I’d be able to make the circumcision at your place, especially since the ointments were so far without success

10 months ago

Let yourself be completely trimmed then with certainty have no 2. Operation

10 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Don’t let yourself be insecure, I also had to undergo circumcision, don’t believe everything that is written for the show bears of circumcision’s enemies.

10 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Yes, there are circumcision opponents who express their opinion loudly on every occasion. If it’s medically initated, you should do it.

10 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Right 👍 but you can only decide

10 months ago

A penis with a fore skin can be a great thing — if the concept works. So if the foreskin can be pulled back completely and pain-free in any condition and pushed forward. And if the Frenulum is long enough that the acorn is not pulled down when you pull back the foreskin.

If this is not given, the concept of penis with fore skin is hardly suitable to function so and make so joy as it deserves any penis wearer. A cut penis is just another concept, not worse, but only different. You can get used to it.

If I have the choice to exchange a concept A that is susceptible to interference for a more robust concept B, then the question for me no longer arises at the latest, what is to be done if concept A almost completely fails.

Your patient history sounds like such a case and I can assure you: already now it is more annoying than the preservation of the foreskin.

The only thing that separates you from the ultimate solution is the intervention. But he can be much more harmless than many think — provided it makes someone who can and likes to do it. If it’s over and healed after a few weeks, you’ll ask why you waited so long.

If you’re worried about losing too much feeling, let high&tight cut you, then all feeling from the inner foreskin is preserved.

If you want to be sure to come to a person who performs the procedure well, ask Eurocirc. They have a list of recommended addresses throughout Germany, sorted by location and desired circumcision style.

Give yourself a jerk! Good luck!

10 months ago
Reply to  R1ngelblume

Well written. A beautiful contribution.

10 months ago
Reply to  Uwe65527

Thank you.

10 months ago

I would recommend a tight trimming