Zinseszinseffekt thesauriert danach ausschüttender?


Ich möchte 1000€ investieren mein Plan erst mit einem thesaurierenden ETF einsteigen und dann in einen ausschüttenden wobei ich hier meinen Gewinn wieder reinvestieren würde.

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11 months ago

As long as the allowance has not yet been exhausted, an ETF is usually more tax-effective at the beginning.

Optimum is then a provider that automatically and freely reinstalls the distributions.

But at €1,000, it doesn’t make a huge difference which variant you choose. More important is that you do something.

11 months ago

Why do you want to take an ETF to reinvest it again?

Consider that dividends are taxed if you exceed the amount.

So you can only reinvest a maximum of ~75%, while a thesaurier is 100% reinvested, as it does not have to pay capital income tax at the fund level.

In the long term, you’ll get a lot of money.

The pre-package does not change this.