Interest calculation Can someone help me, I would be very grateful?
Can someone please help me how to calculate this, I'm getting desperate
Can someone please help me how to calculate this, I'm getting desperate
Hey! I'm a little confused about step 2. I only wrote 19(-6k-24), because -6 * -k = -6k & -6 * 4 = -24. But then a strange result comes out (-114k-456), which just can't be right… So it must be 19-(6k-24). However, I can't quite figure out why we don't "take the minus" in…
Hello, can someone please explain to me how the values for solution A are calculated. thanks in advance
Hello, I urgently need help with the following task: The result is: E=2×1 + x3= 1 but how?
Zur Aufgabe 1.2.3 Soll ich den Erwartungswert berechnen und den mit dem Preis aus der Fragestellung vergleichen? wenn ja wie mache ich das?
Can someone please calculate this?
I equate the equation with the general point (a|b|0). However, I should specify this as a vector before substituting, right? So that people know what's meant, right?
Aufgabe eins hat wenig mit Rechnen zu tun.
Aufgabe zwei ist ohne Angabe des Zinssatzes ZS in Prozent nur formal lösbar
Zinsen = 1877.20 * ZS/100 * 46/360
Und was ist das Ergebnis möchte es nur wissen als Lösung ob meines richtig war
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