Zimt Sterne mit Glasur backen?

Hi ich hab mal ne Frage

Ich bin gerade dabei zum ersten Mal Zimt Sterne zu backen und Frage mich jetzt ob ich die Zimt Sterne mit der Glasur in den Ofen machen soll oder erst den Teig nur backen und dann die Glasur drauf und trocknen lassen?

Würde mich über Tipps freuen:)

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1 year ago

With baking

Therefore, the baking temperature is quite low compared to other tea cookies, so that the glaze does not brown.

1 year ago

There is much too little protein in there and/or your nuts are not fine enough ground. In principle, you can replace the oil fruits 1 : 1 against another on each recipe.

And your glaze is a simple sugar glaze that must not be baked.

As one usually puts aside a proportion of the baiser mass for glaze, I assumed under false conditions.

Normally, for cinnamon stars, a baiser mass in a ratio of 1:1 is taken to 100 g of protein 100 g of sugar. Some of them are buried to use it later as a glaze.

For the future, if you ask questions about a recipe, always post recipe and procedure with it. Because recipe is not the same recipe, and especially when baking, the procedure is essential for a good result.

1 year ago

Usually cinnamon stars are teig not cheerful, very sticky like Pattex…

What’s your recipe?

Oh, and should I roll out flour or powdered sugar on my working surface?

Puder sugar – usually.

But apparently you don’t have a normal recipe 🤷 ♀️

1 year ago

Roll 1/2 cm thick, spread with glaze, make the scrub always wet before so that the mass does not stick so. At 150 °C about 30 min, make a visual sample.

I like her hard! So at 130°C 40 min.

You need to see how you like them. Hot they are soft only when they are cooled they have their final strength. (Okay like all the sacks)

1 year ago

Find a recipe.

From wiki:

Cinnamon stars are a sponge-based Christmas pastry made from egg snow, sugar, at least 25% almonds, cinnamon and at most 10% flour. A compact dough is made from the ingredients and can be rolled out well. After drying, an egg white glaze is applied and the stars are pierced. Wikipedia

1 year ago

No, it’s gonna be baked. I was wondering