Zimmerbrunnen aus China, guter Kauf oder Billigware?
Ich habe einen Zimmerbrunnen für ca. 65€ auf Ebay von einem gewerblichen Anbieter aus China gefunden & wollte fragen, ob die Qualität wohl dem Preis entspricht oder ich den Kauf lieber lassen sollte. Eventuell hat jemand Erfahrungen damit…
….the quality is determined not so good like “Made in Germany”.
Would the well not buy via a Chinese provider.
If there’s anything to complain, you have nothing like trouble with it.
Talk from experience.
I bought my room fountain online and he also came from China. I am still satisfied and would always recommend it.
Do you have a free return or something like Amazon? If he doesn’t work properly or you don’t like it, you don’t have to fight with the provider.
I’ve only got a room fountain at the last zimmerbrunnen-kaufen.de bought, some good from China but also Germany are included.
so I don’t know myself big but my stepfather bought a little bit more expensive