Zimmerbrunnen aus China, guter Kauf oder Billigware?

Ich habe einen Zimmerbrunnen für ca. 65€ auf Ebay von einem gewerblichen Anbieter aus China gefunden & wollte fragen, ob die Qualität wohl dem Preis entspricht oder ich den Kauf lieber lassen sollte. Eventuell hat jemand Erfahrungen damit…

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6 years ago

….the quality is determined not so good like “Made in Germany”.

Would the well not buy via a Chinese provider.

If there’s anything to complain, you have nothing like trouble with it.

Talk from experience.

5 years ago

I bought my room fountain online and he also came from China. I am still satisfied and would always recommend it.

Do you have a free return or something like Amazon? If he doesn’t work properly or you don’t like it, you don’t have to fight with the provider.

4 years ago
Reply to  Okalibu

I’ve only got a room fountain at the last zimmerbrunnen-kaufen.de bought, some good from China but also Germany are included.

6 years ago

so I don’t know myself big but my stepfather bought a little bit more expensive