Zimmer wird einfach ausgeräumt?

meine Eltern wollen jetzt schon ein wenig länger das ich ausziehe. Ich habe Ausbildungs Gehalt und das Kindergeld was ich erst kriege wenn ich dann auch die Wohnung habe. Weiteres Können mit meine Eltern nicht geben, da sie selber Leistungen (wenn man das so sagt) beziehen. Jetzt bin ich grad eben aufgestanden und meine Mutter wollte mit mir reden. Sie sagte am Montag räumen die mein Zimmer aus und alles kommt in die Garage ich soll mir 2/3 Kartons fertig machen, weil ich dann auf der Couch im Wohnzimmer schlafen darf.

Mal ganz kurz neben bei meine Mutter hat ständig Besuch von Oma schon um 8/9 Uhr und manchmal bleibt die sogar bis abends. meine Mutter hat ihren pc im Wohnzimmer sie zockt also dort den ganzen Tag also hab ich sowieso schon nicht meine Ruhe bzw. Ich will mit dieser Frau nicht mal in einem Zimmer sein müssen den ganzen Tag lang. Mein Stiefvater der mich hauen wollte und so der redet auch nicht mehr mit mir der spaziert auch den ganzen Tag lang da durch. Wo soll ich mich da wohlfühlen? Ich fühl mich eh schon nicht so wohl in meinen EIGENEN 4 Wänden und dann werden sie mir auch noch abgenommen. Und das macht mir gerade sehr zu schaffen ich weiß nicht was ich tuen soll.

Ich bin 19 und Kontakt zum Jugendamt gab es schon, Jobcenter möchte mir keine Hilfe gewährleisten und bab wäre ja sowieso erst möglich wenn ich die Wohnung schon hab.

Ich will mich nicht hängen lassen aber das ist so verdammt unfair alles. Nur weil mein kleiner Bruder sein eigenes Zimmer braucht wird jetzt so krass gehetzt. Natürlich sollte ich auch raus weil unser Familienverhältnis kaputt ist, aber ich hab da einfach kein Geld für.

Hat jemand Lösungen wie ich mit Ausbildung noch an Geld kommen könnte? Ohne das mir das komplett abgezogen wird.

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1 year ago

As long as you live with your parents and receive these services, of course, you have to inform you if you additionally deserve something.

Once you withdraw, you are no longer part of the community of needs and if you don’t get any benefits from them, your money is yours.
If you get support from the Jobcenter there is a maximum limit of money that you may have + free allowance, everything is deducted.

Please contact the job center and talk to them about everything.

They can tell you more precisely, because it depends on where you live.

In any case, I would ask for the initial allowance, you would have to get it like this or something 🙂

1 year ago

Since the situation has become more acute, I would go to the job center again.

Otherwise, you stayed a minijob next to the training to increase.

1 year ago
Reply to  ChaloDuxxx

The Youth Office has no more shares in it because you are full-year?! But of course you can try. Tell you how it’s going on with your home and you’re afraid to be thrown out. Maybe they are so nice and put a corresponding letter for the job center.

Or your parents should throw you out. Then you need a stay for the transition first. But the job center wouldn’t let you hang, and your parents don’t get anything.

1 year ago

The Youth Office is advising for young people between 18 and 21. They’re right out! They must not represent the young adult in court.

Of course, the job centre likes to blame the parents. Otherwise, young Lete Snake are standing who don’t think they can stop it at home.

Do you have a pediatrician with whom you can talk and who can possibly refer you to a specialist who will attenuate you that there are psychological problems with you due to the housing and type of your parents?

1 year ago

contact the jobcenter and request cost of accommodation. look for an apartment in the height of the kdu – room, one room apartment etc. and then apply for an apartment first.

1 year ago
Reply to  ChaloDuxxx

but they have to help you. so if the sb does not work, then let the team manager start. order an order to take over the cost of accommodation.

the maximum cost of the accommodation can be found at google. then you are looking for housing offers, submit them with formless application at the jobcenter and wait

also request:

  • Renovation costs for the collection
  • first equipment (lists can be found at google)
  • costs if necessary (submitting cost estimates of 3 moving companies)
  • if necessary civic money

more infos can be found here: http://www.elo-forum.org

if all of this is rejected, you will find a lawyer for social law and if necessary you will complain

1 year ago

up to the end of your training (maximum to the 25th year of life) parents are dependent on the child, i.e. living and eating. the state is holding out.

But if this happens at the lowest level, then a life-long conflict is pre-programmed and if in 30 years your parents ask for care and support, you can “home pay”

1 year ago
Reply to  noname68

the parents are subject to maintenance, but only if they are capable of performance. they can throw children out with 19, of course, and if they are not efficient, they don’t have to pay cent.

1 year ago
Reply to  psimonp

if they categorize hard 4 and the child training allowance, the latter is counted in a community of needs for the entire maintenance allowance. a “rough” through the elders, how is that supposed to go in that case?

1 year ago

if children have training allowances and with child money covers the needs themselves, it is eh out of the need community. that only by

regardless, it’s the parent free to throw out when they want. they open the door, put the child with the box in front of the door and make it back. they report to the jobcenter that child is no longer present in the apartment and that needs to change, will be recalculated if at all. with the fall done