Zigarrenwissen für Anfänger?

Hallo, habe vor kurzem meine erste Zigarre geraucht und wollte mich ein wenig informieren.

Habe mich ein wenig informiert über Sorten und verschieden Formen. Was sollte man auf jeden Fall wissen wenn man sich in diesem Bereich auskennen will ?

Welche Zigarren sind für den Anfang gut und was braucht man alles (Zubehör)

Auch einige Fachbegriffe die öfter kommen wären gut zu wissen

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2 years ago

First of all, you should distinguish the different cigar categories:

A cigar consists of inlay tobacco, cover sheet and cover sheet (which you touch with your fingers).

In the simplest category, only the cover sheet is a whole tobacco sheet. Cover and inlay are made of tobacco balls. Since the cover is of course not wrapped around the insert only from bribes, it is possible to use tape tobacco, i.e. the buns are wound up in a kind of food glue and thus a kind of film is produced which is used as a cover.

This just explained and also the following category is called shortfiller.

The next (as also referred to as shortfiller) category then also has a whole tobacco leaf as a leaflet, but in the insert only brösel. These shortfillers are then labeled “100% tobacco” (as no glue is used)

To this end, they are machine-made cigars.

The highest-quality category of cigars are the so-called longfillers. Longfillers are completely rolled by hand and also have only entire tobacco leaves in the insert. Typical countries of origin for such import cigars are Cuba, Dom. Rep, Honduras or Nicaragua.

Longfillers must rel at 68-72% in a humidor. RH will be stored to imitate the natural climate of their home, otherwise they will dry out.

What you need to enjoy Longfiller is in any case a Cigarren cutter or drill (at the latter the shoulder of the Cigarre is preserved, that is, you have no tobacco balls in your mouth while enjoying, while at a cutter the opening is larger and the tobacco aroma can develop better).

And if you don’t want to enjoy the Cigarren on the day of purchase, you need a Humidor in the long term. First of all, you know if you like the hobby You can also arm yourself with an empty cigar box and order a tobacco humidifier to fill with distilled water at the local tobacco dealer or on the net. Or ask for Boveda Packs.

Never use a gasoline lighter that falsifies the taste. Use sulphur-free ignition woods (the best Cigarrenhölzers that have the right length) or a gas lighter. Jetflames are well suited here. The flame circle about 1-2 cm above the cigar and do not pull. After igniting (it is enough when the cigar glows around the edge) to whirl the cigars slightly or blow them until the entire tobacco area glows.

You already know a few terms. What might be important is: An afficionado is a cigar lover/journeyer.

Yes otherwise just ask…

2 years ago
Reply to  allocigar78

Thank you for the award!

2 years ago

You should definitely know what the negative consequences of smoking are. Smoking is not forbidden and it’s also okay to smoke a cigarette, but I think it’s not important what and how much to know about cigarettes. I want you to smoke consciously and know what the result is. Not mean evil 🙂

2 years ago

Welcome to the Internet Tele Colleg for tobacco interpreters.

Technical terms:

  • Chain smokers: Master of their discipline. There is no worthy successor to Karin Ritter.
  • Active carbon filters: completely overrated. The pension funds thank you.
  • Marlborolives: Only Marlboro offers you the best experience.

So few facts for Nerds:

Every time you light a cigarette, 6000 chemicals are released. 250 of them are considered toxic or carcinogenic.

45% of smokers:inside, nicotine is carcinogenic. It is burning at up to 900 degrees Celsius, which makes inhaling smoke so harmful to health.

https://was-raucher-wissen-sollten.de/, highlight in the original)

2 years ago
Reply to  User179678

I find earlier tabac consumption was actually considered among noble people in the upper class, but I think this is going to be negative today, even in the suit.

2 years ago

Well, my answer was a bit sarcastic, because I didn’t expect that. But good, I think you’d better inform yourself on the net, there are hardly any experts here

2 years ago

Then get cigars! That makes sense.