Zigarren raucht man ja nicht auf Lunge, weil die viel zu stark sind und man davon angeblich extrem Husten + Durchfall bekommen würde?

Aber was würde passieren, wenn man von so dicken Zigarren, die richtig viel weißen Rauch entwickeln direkt ins Gesicht gepustet bekommen würde und in dem Moment einatmen?

Wäre das auch schlimm, oder ist dieser Rauch dann weicher? Weil man sagt ja, dass ausgeatmeter Rauch durch die Lunge quasi gefiltert ist, aber wird denn überhaupt was gefiltert, wenn man nur pafft und eben nicht in die Lunge zieht? Ist er dann ausgepustet genauso stark?

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6 months ago

I am a smoker myself.

So on the way, there are better-wissers around the corner again, because they don’t have a private life and they always knew everything better at school.


Do you know how revival works? Bzw why, so you ousteat someone breathing in?

The air contains 21% oxygen.

If you breathe it out, 18.

Enough for the unconscious

This is the equivalent of other substances.


Actually, I always said passive smoking is bullshit.

Until I saw that a roommate was stoned by us


Very harmful.

More harmful is the psyche.

When you talk, you get sick, you get sick.

Conversely, unfortunately, it almost never works

6 months ago
Reply to  Joeyy8

I’m not a scientist, I didn’t examine it.

The fact is that I do not deny myself as a smoker: it is not healthy.

You’ll get to a cigarette more often. If you get into the face more often, especially if the guy is a chain smoker. And as far as I’m informed, there’s more in cigarettes the harmful stuff in it.

I don’t want to talk well.

But in a conversation half an hour with nem cigar smokers would accept fewer toxins al in half an hour with nem normal chain smokers like me

6 months ago
Reply to  Provozierender

No, passive smoking is definitely not the psyche, but the inhaled smoke is the most harmful! The smoke can also cause cancer in passive smokers. I have not yet heard that jn. got cancer because of the (usually very well-founded) fear of passive smoking.

6 months ago

This can be judged very hard, as it depends on cigar (brand, format, etc.), volume of smoke, etc.

The smoke will certainly contain substances that are harmful to health, but you also have when you fire a grill with charcoal. Smoke now consists of the residues of burned materials and are therefore always harmful to health.

6 months ago
Reply to  Joeyy8

It makes a difference whether you’re pulling on it and breathing in the smoke or blowing it into the face. The difference is that you do not inhale the same volume of smoke and the smoke has already delivered a part to those who have pulled directly to the cigar and then inhaled the smoke.

6 months ago

So first, no there absolutely nothing happens when smoking passively. Second cigar I always smoke on lungs. Thirdly, the smoke is always weaker in passive smoking than if you were smoking yourself, some of them.