Zigarre richtig lagern?

Hallo zusammen! Mich würde es interessieren, ob zufällig jemand bescheid weiß, ob ich meine Zigarren in eine offene Box legen kann, wenn mein Keller eine Raumtemperatur von 19-20 Grad Celsius hat und auch eine Luftfeuchtigkeit um die 70%.

Oder ist es besser wenn ich sie tatsächlich in eine Box lege und Boveda Packages rein lege?

Ist es für Zigarren besser, wenn sie “natürliche” Luft bekommen und frei herum liegen, dennoch die richtige Raumtemperatur und Feuchtigkeit bekommen, oder eben in einer geschlossenen Box sind.

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1 year ago

Cigarren doesn’t care where the humidity comes from (the temperature isn’t that crucial). The relative humidity should be between 68 and 72 % r.h. I rather don’t think you have a room that keeps this moisture constant. If you don’t remember, Cigarren’s taking smells easy. So if you want to smell it in the room a bit strict or suffocated, it can be that this is happening to your cigars.

The best is storage in a humidor. If you really have a room with this constant humidity and only Cigarren can exclude foreign odours as much as possible, then you have a walkable humidor, which has big cigar dealers too.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sebastian119

So, if you have 70 % r.h. permanent in a room, then you run the risk of it being moldy and this is a much bigger problem there must You will then take countermeasures again that it does not happen.

Of course, the room will smell like Cigarren.

At Cellophan.. I don’t know only if it’s dense and doesn’t accept foreign odours, so I just think so.

1 year ago

Bite too cold, bit too humid. If your cellar smells muffy, what many cellars do, then better not. Better invest in nen Humidor, and consider everything necessary: