Zigarettengeruch wegbekommen?

Vorab ich bin 19 und lebe bei meinen Eltern und ich will nicht das sie es wissen 🙂

also wenn ich draussen war und eine geraucht habe hab ich immer noch den zigarettengeruch in an meinen händen, kleidern, haaren usw. Und weiss jemand wie ich diesen Geruch wegbekomme, dass meine eltern es nicht riechen, weil wenn die mich umarmen riechen sie es ja komplett.

ich würde mich sehr über eine Antwort freuen 😉 (bitte hilfreiche antworten und keine moralpredigen)

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5 months ago

Hello Paul00793,

You can put a special jacket that you’re wearing just for doing it best. For the hair, it helps to moan them. Wash your hands on the washbasin with soap, and chocolate helps against the odour. Otherwise use deo or parfum.

But if someone who doesn’t smoke you as close as a hug, he probably smells a little bit.


5 months ago

The most noticeable smell comes from clothing. But close by, it’s the smell from the lungs. It only helps sports.

5 months ago

In my youth time, I had a girlfriend who had the same problem.

Before she went home, she took a portion of Nivea cream, so a skin cream, into her mouth.

But please don’t follow. It was cruel.

5 months ago

Is there a deal that you get a car without smoking 😄

So IQOS don’t stink like that.

Normal cigarettes, stink without showering it’s hard.

5 months ago

Stop smoking, everything else does not help