Zigaretten Schachteln auf 23 € stufen?
Habe letztens gehört, das sie die Zigaretten Schachteln auf 23 Euro heben wollen. Was denkt ihr dazu? Wird das gemacht? Und vorallem wären die Arbeitslosen und all die so oder so in halber Armut leben bereit dafür 23€ zu zahlen? Wenn ja, wäre das ziemlich Strange!
First, that’s total nonsense. Boxes already cost up to 20 euros, but there are between 55-60 pieces, depending on the brand. A 20s box will not cost 23 euros for the next 10 years.
You probably heard wrong or it was said wrong. This is not a concrete plan on the part of politics, but a concern on the part of the World Health Organisation. Interesting is perhaps their current report here, in which a whole range of possible measures is proposed under “Effective tobacco control measures”.
WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2023: protect people from tobacco smoke, https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240077164
I just flew over. Unfortunately, they also seem to shoot against e-cigarettes. I think that access to these, as a low-risk alternative for smokers, should be made more attractive than heavier. The fact that the use is nothing for minors, which seem to be attracted in particular by the colourful and non-binding disposable parts, is of course a problem.
A sudden price increase alone, I didn’t think it was very sensible. Because of the black market alone, which would certainly have more supply.
Cigarettes are harmful to health. The high price is for many smokers an incentive to finally stop with the torment.
I hope
Definitely! It is not just air pollution, but so much waste of money
There are alternatives
Where did you hear that? In a tweet that has been deleted by now?
Tv News
I found, thank you. So, it is a WHO demand that is quite demanding and so far hardly enforces anything. We don’t have to ask why…
a fool who is to pay
Cigarettes cannot be expensive enough.
I’m just thinking about the eightlessly snuck away dumps. They may also cause fires. They’re lying around.
And the ruthless smokes that mean you have to blow the smoke into your face – whether intentionally or rather out of carelessness.
In contrast, first too expensive and secondly more theft
I don’t care. I stopped many years ago.
Has long been known to have to tip around the 20 euros…
Including an income-related drug tax or a controlled levy. how much cannabis would be better…
I can’t stand the smokers anyway, at 90%, just the stump is thrown on the street or the walkway, as well as smokes somehow any fucking passive smoking!
I think 30 EUR would be reasonable, high with it.
have you not been making good?
Leads to Black Market – Crime – bad quality – even more illness and disadvantages
The idea is asocial
Nowadays everything is sold anyway + stolen in the end nothing new