Zigaretten rauchen um joints auf lunge ziehen zu können?
ich kiffe gerne aber habs noch nicht oft gemacht und es fällt mir schwer auf lunge zu rauchen.
Ich möchte mein gras nicht verbrauchen wenn ich den zug unangenehm finde.
kann ich einfach ein paar kippen rauchen für ne woche damit ich keinen hustanfall bekomme?
aktuell huste ich von denen natürlich auch aber nicht so stark mir wird danach lediglich etwas schwindelig und ich habe für 5 minuten das gefühl als wär ich betrunken
bin eigentlich nichtraucher
Drinking smoke? You could inhale steam, possibly with Eucalyptus oil. You hold a towel over your head. That’s good for the lungs and it’s unpleasant too. You have to get used to that, so that it doesn’t come to cough.
It’s just an idea, never smoked or smoked. Perhaps the effect is comparable and cheaper.
First of all, you need to examine/leave the quality of cannabis.
Whether it’s stretched or overgrown.
Then you start with thinly turned joints.
An activated carbon filter can also be used for this purpose.
Cannabis is most effective when it is heated and eaten. Some also make oil or cakes from it.
The effect should not be underestimated even if it is more harmless than other drugs.
Cannabis + tobacco = never optimal
or tobacco as moans = total sin-free
This should make lungs easier. But it is absolutely not recommended.
clearly tipping are pretty much the biggest legal crap you can do but I don’t think I’ll depend on it if I only use it for “use” I don’t have a plan how long it takes until I get lungs
You have the real risk of being “forgive” nicotine-dependent, that would not be so great.