Zigaretten probieren?

Hey leute! Ich bin zwar noch sehr jung möchte aber einmal eine Zigarette probieren. Also wirklich nur 1 mal eine nicht danach weiter machen.

Und ich frage ist das möglich irgendwie eine zu probieren? Weil normal kann man ja die ja erst mit 18 kaufen!

Und denkt ihr 1 mal ist schon sehr schädlich?

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1 year ago

Just leave it…

With me, it also started with “try only once” and I became directly addicted to the nicotine.

I know that sounds very like what the parents or other adult are fighting, but I’m only 24. Believe me.


1 year ago

Your body will tell you he doesn’t like it. If you try it on lungs you will get a bad cough attack and the first cigarette tastes disgusting. You have to smoke and just because the first are disgusting, you do not recognize the danger. You think it’s so disgusting, it won’t make me dependent. It gets better from time to time and more pleasant also the cough leaves, only then you are too deep in it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Elias475

I used to be through the parents. I saw them smoking and somehow made all the grown up and then I had tried stumps and coughed was disgusting but I didn’t understand why they could and I didn’t. I thought I’d do something wrong and tried it again and again, of course, I got better, but then I was really smoker. Fand this cool and grown up standing with my tip. I was slipped in this way, with others this is about friends and stuff.

1 year ago

Because normally you can buy them with 18!

normal -> sale to minors is not permitted; Disclosure to minors is not permitted; consumption by minors may not be permitted.

So you have no legal chance to get a cigarette – no matter how she finds the way to you, it’s already illegal. And you must not consume them, as consumption must not be allowed to you.

And do you think once is very harmful?

It doesn’t matter. You ignore existing laws.
But maybe you have a damn good reason that leads to the law not applicable to you!

1 year ago
Reply to  Xandros0506

The question is not whether it is legal or not.

Listen to teaching young people. Don’t you have any hobbys?

I’d understand if you tried to teach him that smoking is bad. But not addressing this issue, it brings something back to him, nor does the community continue.

1 year ago

I’d just try a cigarette if I really want to smoke. Otherwise, the risk is too high that you find the first cigarette bad, but you still try again and again and again and then just one pack and more.

1 year ago

I can tell you from experience: let it just stay…

I know about the subject as I smoke myself for 30 years…

1 year ago

Don’t do that.

1 year ago

Then you should ask someone who has cigarettes if you can get one. You don’t need a whole box to try. And then stop it. You won’t die from one cigarette, even if you get it to smoke the lungs.

1 year ago
Reply to  Drea80


1 year ago
  1. I’d tell you, but as long as you try it, it should be okay.
  2. It seems you won’t smoke a whole first time, so I’d like to ask friends to smoke. Just if you can pull.

So if you just want to try, I wouldn’t buy a whole box. Why don’t you just ask someone to take a look


1 year ago
Reply to  Elias475

in school will definitely find guys or girls who smoke

1 year ago

Smoking is deadly! is not in vain….

1 year ago

Just ask a known smoker for a cigarette.

We find it funny when the non-smokers get violent cough attacks.