Zigaretten eine Schachtel am Tag?


ich rauche eine Schachtel am Tag, und sonst hatte ich immer nach einer 2/3/4/5 Tage Pause und dann erst wieder einen Schachtel aber zurzeit hab ich jeden Tag eine & mein Hals fühlt sich dick an als wäre ein Tennisball in meinem Hals das schlucken und atmen fällt mir auch schwer + ich habe oft husten Attacken

und ja ich weiß worans liegt aber kann es was schlimmeres sein, Krebs oder so ? Weil eigentlich passiert sowas doch garnicht so schnell erst nach 10/20 Jahren (rauche erst seit ca. 2 Jahren)

und bitte lasst diese Böden und nervigen hasserfüllten Kommentare weg danke 🙂

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7 months ago

Of course, smoking can trigger cancer, but this usually does not happen in young years.

But you can smoke too much in too short a time, and the more you smoke the worse it gets because Nicotin makes extremely dependent, you just made the cigarette out, 5 minutes later you ignite the next….

Also swallowing and respiratory complaints are quite normal, had it all the time when I was still smoking, in the last few weeks before I stopped (20-30 cigarettes a day) it was so bad that I often could not breathe properly and also swallowing in itself was more difficult, smoking narrows the blood vessels, the brain is practically nebulized and the sense of smell also changes.

Thick almonds without almond inflammation have not been forgotten for years by the yellow teeth, cough attacks are definitely coming from smoking, so smoking often feels cratery, headaches also come from there (or tension).

Even if it’s hard, however, try to stop it today and throw away the tilting.

7 months ago

6x tried to stop and started again, the longest break went 3 months because of legionella with subsequent flu and pneumonia, the environment brought me back to smoking.

March 2023 then I took colds off, immediately stopped and since today no longer started again.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

What is going on right here can best judge a doctor who is trained for it. Foreigners from the Internet usually lack not only the professional qualification, but from a distance they cannot generally provide good diagnosis. So please go to the doctor if you want security.

Good luck!