zigaretten beim fliegen?

ich fliege in wenigen tagen mit meiner klasse nach london und will eine fast volle schachtel zigaretten mitnehmen. ich bin allerdings noch 15 und weiss nicht ob die gepäcke so kontrolliert werden bzw. wie alt ich bin. ich hab gehört das die kontrollen in den vereinigten staaten strenger sein sollen deswegen bin ich mir nicht sicher ob es ein problem dar stellt 

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1 year ago

Any illegal activity should be avoided if you travel internationally. There are border controls, and laws abroad are often much harder.

The free limit for cigarettes under 17 years is exactly 0! (zero!)

Bringing goods into the UK for personal use: Arriving in Great Britain – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Alcohol and tobacco allowances if you’re under 17

There are no personal allowances for tobacco or alcohol if you’re under 17.

So keep yourself up with the laws, and if that’s a problem then stay home. Saves a lot of money.

1 year ago

Are you going to London? Or the United States?

No matter: Cigarettes are usually from 17 or 18. If you introduce them, you may at least expect them to be taken off. Or you’ve got to get her.

When entering the UK, you must register them at the customs office. I don’t know what they do.

1 year ago

Simply do not smoke, would solve by many others, and also this problem

1 year ago

In the USA there is no city of London that has an international airport. The controls are very strict when entering. You can insert cigarettes in the permissible quantity. What’s not going on is food.