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2 years ago

So as I spend most of my day in the stable, I also wear most riding pants. When I meet with friends and get straight from the stable or when we get out of the stable, I don’t want to change.

But if I have something else in mind, I also wear other clothes.

And in summer I often wear my summer dresses in the stables if I don’t want to ride.

2 years ago

I usually ride in jeans. From then on, the jeans I attract both to ride and in my spare time.

1 year ago


No my riding pants I don’t wear in the spare time but I have shirts which I probably wear on the horse and also jeans. So if you’re looking for something to both I recommend this one here:

2 years ago

I usually have other pants, which are more appropriate, in the stable and in the car, a riding pants in the event that I would like to have a crew for more accurate transfer of seat aids. I then put them in a targeted way for riding and then again.

2 years ago

Nope. So if I walked by the rewe after the stable, I don’t get dressed for it, but I just wouldn’t run around in riding pants like that, I got enough other pants.

2 years ago

Hi I’ve always done when I didn’t go to ride, these are comfortable like legings, my riding pants are almost 30 years old and still in a very good condition, the quality of today leaves too much to be desired.

2 years ago

No, because there are the spare pants.

2 years ago

No, not really.

2 years ago


2 years ago

No, I’m just wearing them on the horse.

2 years ago

No. What for?

2 years ago

jo. I usually keep them misting because I’m too lazy to move.

but please put your fetish questions in relevant forums and not somewhere where children are mostly on the go.

Thank you.

2 years ago

digga live your fetish elsewhere