Zieht eine Kosmetikerin wirklich die Mitesser raus?
Also, es geht um meinen kleinen Bruder. Der hat mittlerweile starke Mitesser auf der Nase, generell geht es überall im Gesicht los. Wir haben heute mal mit der Kamera fotografiert und geguckt wie es von nahen aussieht. Da sind eben alle Poren verstopft mit Talg.
Ich würde ihm gerne einen Gutschein von der Kosmetikerin holen, damit sie diese ganzen Poren mal freimacht und alles rauszieht.
Geht sowas überhaupt? Oder schmiert sie nur ein paar Sachen hin und das war’s?
A beautician gently removes the Mitesser.
I myself always use the Komedonenquetscher for home and so it is very good.
Hi, my beautician.
Finding the right beautician in this case would be the A and O, there are many black sheep .
A cleansing should take place with a cleaning, a peeling and a disinfection, as well as a aftercare,products to avoid new impurities,a final care .
However, also advice and anamnese.
A beautician can remove these mitessers, however, it also depends on the skin types of the client and whether the impurities of a hormone conversion, drugs and further egression (This should clarify a dermatologist)
There are many variations on the nose with a sling, microdermabrasion (diamonddermabrasion, aquadermabrasion and more) enzyme peeling,manual pressing, to name a few possibilities.
Thank you… and if you say you really want her to express everything, is that done?
This comes as I said to the beautician or where the impurities come from, as well as skin types .
In a treatment it will not be done.
If you find a good beautician, that can work.
Maybe a doctor should look at this and then refer to cosmetics
(Have this problem yourself and was in treatment with a cosmetician)
I don’t know. And I think the best thing is to get rid of it all. But probably they don’t do that exactly..
Many skin doctors Praxen have a cosmetician, maybe you can find out and find something suitable
Hi, I guess your brother is still relatively young and there’s already a chemical cleanser. There’s every sephora. (Drunken elephant is a brand that I can recommend, which is odorless and gentle to the skin.) After that only cream your face, and that was it.
Is a cheaper alternative if you want to keep a Mitesser-free face.
LG Millie
He’s already tried everything possible, including things from me. But it just doesn’t get better. Worse.
You can try it. It’s really good, it helps me and my friend. Good luck