Pain in the testicles when sneezing?

When I sneeze, I get a very painful pulling sensation in my testicle. It gradually got easier and eventually went away, but I still feel like something isn't normal. Before I take the embarrassing step of going to the doctor, does anyone know what it could be?

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2 years ago

You can feel yourself in a first step. Is a testicle surrounded by a water pocket? This is then a hydrocele that has to be treated. If not threatening infertility and death of the testicle (but not;)))

If you notice that a testicle is extremely small or has strange hardening, it could be a varicose (crampath at the testicle). In this case, the testicles are quite certainly infertile when you do not treat it.

If you don’t feel either of them (but be careful! Varicoceles are not so easy to feel, doctors prefer to go to ultrasound today) it can also be easy that the connection from your testicles to the abdomen has not closed in childhood. In this case, it can happen when sneezing that they pull in, which is discreetly painful.

Source: I had all three. Through a nativity. Then the doctor accidentally discovered a varicose at the other testicles. And that my testicle can “slide” in the abdominal space has always been so as to say that it is not grown up in childhood.

The gang to the doctor may be a little weird, I know that:D But it is worth it. If I had waited a year, I would be completely infertile according to the doctor.

2 years ago

Yes, that sounds very clearly like a threatening rupture or at least a precursor such as a weakness in the ridge. This is not directly related to the testicles, but with a vulnerability in the abdomen.

You should have that checked with an intern. This is probably not a task for the urologist.

2 years ago


I got a very painful pulling in the testicle that became easier and was eventually gone, but you still feel that something is not normal. Before I have to take the embarrassing step to the doctor, someone knows what this could be?

It can be both harmless and non-harmless. For example, a hernia could be the cause of this pain. If that doesn’t sound off your own, you should have a medical examination.

2 years ago

Go to the doctor. During the sneezing, the collar of my sweatshirt is also raised.

2 years ago

If I have bronchitis, these cough attacks also drag me into the step. If it doesn’t get better, go to the Urologen.

2 years ago

I don’t know, maybe hiking hodes.?

Ask your doctor they’ve seen everything. They’ll forget it after 15 seconds.