Ziegenkäse ist für mich eins der Schlimmsten Essbaren Dinge die es gibt, ich hasse zum Beispiel Pilze und Tomaten aber lieber würde ich 5 Kilo Pilze essen als 50gram Ziegenkäse…
Ich verstehe nicht wie man das essen kann müsste ich ein Löffel davon essen müsste ich mich 2 Minuten später übergeben das ist so ekelhaft, heute hat jemand einem Guten Gericht circa 50 Gram hinzugefügt und ich habe keinen bissen davon runterbekommen, schon alleine wenn man daran riecht denkt man man steht in einem Ziegenstall, es schmeckt als würde man an einer Ziege lecken es riecht und schmeckt genau nach Ziege und das ist grauenhaft.🤢
Geht es noch jemanden so ???
I like goat cheese very much, I also like to use it in various warm dishes or salads.
Just this smell and this taste, as you say, “Ziegenstall” I like special about it. Just because you know what to do and where the product comes from.
Yes ok I find the goat generally not smell good as sheep (we had some already)
If cow’s milk would smell like cowshed or eggs like chicken stable it would also be disgusting
Female goats are quite odourless. The intensive goat odour comes from the unchastred gusts (the intensity of the odor is strongly dependent on the breed). You can even produce goat’s milk and goat’s cheese without the typical smell/taste (Altenburg goat’s cheese is such an example) if the goats are, for example, treated artificially and have no contact with the goats. But if not everyone’s taste, I was bitterly disappointed by the Altenburg goat cheese.
I don’t like the smell of goats or sheep myself. If you have fresh eggs from a chicken stall, they smell even a while afterwards, I like this smell, for example.
I find this compound great, which the cheese actually smells and tastes as an end point.
By the way, my husband doesn’t like a goat’s cheese at all, I can always eat these things alone;)
I looked at the Altenburgers, on the website they say that they only send the sheets to the top of the goats and otherwise keep them strictly separated. But of course there is also something to do with the ripening of the cheese, there are also very spicy cow’s milk cheese. But the typical goat elder has only intact goats. I’ve already kept goats, if not milked, so I’m familiar with that.
Thanks, that’s interesting I didn’t know yet.
Without the taste/odor, I would certainly be disappointed by the goat cheese.
Yes, there are just such people who even eat this as delicacies and enjoy it…
I also find the taste perverse. 😄
There are also goat cheese from to products… Cheese that smell really cruel to goats and others that hardly or only very discreetly come over, the very extreme cases I can’t stop, but the others I really like.
No, on the contrary, I love goat cheese, taste and smell!
No, I like goat cheese.
Goat cheese is with one of the best.
Don’t let all the people tell you, cheese comes from cows and mushrooms are disgusting.
I like goat cheese.
I love the stuff hahah. May not be too deft then tastes too much for animal xD
For what reason do you need a justification for your aversion?
It is well known that tastes are different – is(s) so well, or ?
No man certainly likes ALL – even if many people always like to say they are “from nature” sog. “Omnivore”…;)
I love goats. I only drink goat’s milk, and goat’s cheese is better for me than sheep cheese, which I also like. In my grocery store, I also get goat butter and goat yogurt. At Easter we always have citzbreads.
Goat cheese has been allowing survival for millennia – just poor people. That’s why it’s something positive. And you can also get used to it by eating more often.
Of course, if you live in rich circumstances that allow you to optimize everything according to smell and taste, then you don’t need to eat it.
Jein. I have an extremely ambivalent attitude to it, I don’t like it, ABER when it is offered on cold buffets, I eat it massively on delicious bread, And say every few seconds: iiihh is the gross – mampf, mampf ́,mampf
is therefore a conclusion; I hate him and love him. And sometimes I buy him, sit in front of the TV, eat a piece, that’s gross, and cut off the next piece,
But good that you’re asking. I’m gonna buy a piece of goat cheese,
No, I like goat cheese. Very delicious.
You don’t have to eat it if you don’t like it, the tastes are different.
The cats eat mice, I don’t like them.
I love goat cheese, because it tastes super good.
I just want to know if there’s someone like that
I think that danitom has answered this very well.
Explain why
You’re honoring your nickname again today!
I wanted to know if there’s someone else like that, “Greaters are different” doesn’t get me there and it’s not just me that
What is so difficult to understand about “tastes are different”? There are those who like goat cheese and there are those who do not like it. Ready.
You’re not the only person who doesn’t like him.