zelten essen?

hi, ich möchte mit paar Freunden (3anderen Mädchen) zelten gehen. ich habe heute wegen einem Festival ein Zelt gekauft und hatte spontan die Idee fürs zelten. wir würden in ein random Wald gehen und uns dort für so circa 3 Tage verbleiben. jetzt aber zum Essen. was isst man da? so kühlboxen halten das Essen nur so 9h kalt… also Obst und Gemüse müsste man direkt essen. wir können und ein Feuer machen. sowas kann ich, hab ich im Zeltlager gelernt. und ein Gas Herd hab ich save auch. aber was sollen wir essen? zur Info, ich und eine andere sind vegi. also nicht vegan aber kein Fleisch und Fisch.

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8 months ago

You’ve already been told that they can’t just pick up somewhere or tent. It is in fact forbidden in Germany and in many other European countries too. You mean you’d have to rent a place on a campsite and that’ll cost a lot of euros. Above all, fire is not allowed. neither in the open nature nor in a campsite.

I know it from camping and also from festivals that people either supply themselves with cans of stuff, so things that definitely do not have to be cooled. or that they go to the next city and get the stuff for the day. Also gives coolboxes that can be run over a cigarette lighter of the car, but that then naturally eats electricity from the car battery and in the worst case the car will not start after.

8 months ago
Reply to  HikoKuraiko

Supplement: There are also cooling boxes that can be connected to 220V. There’s something on the campsite. Then the power supply of the mobile phones is also secured;-)

8 months ago
Reply to  miezepussi

There are also adapters for the cooling boxes for the car.

8 months ago

we would go to a random forest and stay there for about 3 days.

In Germany prohibited.

for a festival bought a tent

What would you eat at the festival?

Canned food, instant noodles, other non-cooling ready meals.

coolbox keep the food cold only 9h

Depends on the cooler. Mine is operated, for example, with gas and can thus run continuously.

8 months ago
Reply to  Liobaum

Are you not going to eat yourself at the festival??? So we’re usually just having dinner at Infield. Breakfast and lunch are prepared.

I’ve had my box for a long time. In the meantime, the cost of > 300€ DOMETIC CombiCool RC 1205 GC – noiseless, electric absorber cooling box with space for gas cartridge, 40 litres, 12 V and 230 V for car, truck and socket, silver: Amazon.de: Sport & Leisure

8 months ago

“Random Forest” is nich, but you can only camp on a cam,pin place.

If you do not want to carry a whole collection of pots and pans, I recommend preparing soups and stews on the gas cooker.

There are stew dishes in canned cans in various flavors in each supermarket, and they are as good as all without meat.

You can also cook well noodles, couscous or other pasta variants yourself.

And meat-free and fish-free ready meals, which you only need to warm up, are also available to buy.

8 months ago

Wild camps are prohibited in Germany. So: campsite.

I recommend a gas cooker and basic ingredients such as noodles, potatoes, rice, bulgur, etc.

On the basis of this, some can be enchanted with vegetables and spices (doses and fresh). By the way, I always camp without a cooler, which works quite well. Depending on specific fruit or vegetables (as well as temperatures), foods hold up to a few days, foods such as cheese, yogurt & co must be consumed quickly – but after shopping is no problem.

8 months ago

Camp in the forest and make fire is not a good idea.

Why don’t you go to a cool natural campsite? Don’t eat much and make more sense for your purposes.

To eat for vegetarians? Stockbrot, veggie replacement products would be conceivable.

8 months ago

Only for info in Germany is wild camp illegal

8 months ago
Reply to  Liobaum

What’s yolo?

8 months ago

Thank you

8 months ago

Chips, salt bars, biscuits, bread without coating….

8 months ago
Reply to  Liobaum

Your stands at the festival are not equipped with healthy food. It could be very fat.

8 months ago

Cans feed.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jensen1970

Addendum: Remove can openers!

8 months ago
Reply to  miezepussi

The good ones have a strap.

8 months ago

The sometimes ripped off