Zellatmung und Gotosynthese beim Menschen?

Die Fotosynthese,welche in den Chloroplasten abläuft, hängt ja unmittelbar mit der Zellatmung zusammen. Menschen haben aber doch keine Chloroplasten, woher stammen dann die energiereichen Stoffe wie Glukose, welche die Basisi für die Zellatmung bilden? Und was passiert dann mit dem aus der Zellatmung stammenden CO2 und H2O, was sonst in der Fotosynthese verbraucht werden würde?

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5 years ago

No, photosynthesis and cell breathing are not related.

What do you think we have to eat? As a result, we get the nutrients we need like all living beings and produce the plants themselves by means of photosynthesis (directly by photosynthesis of just glucose, indirectly from intermediates but also proteins and fats), from the living organisms we feed on.

The carbon dioxide produced during cell breathing is breathing out and excess water is also excreted in various ways, as everyone should know from their own experience.

5 years ago

Photosynthesis and cell breathing are NOT closely related.

Plants perform photosynthesis. They consume CO2 and produce oxygen. Glucose is also produced. It happens in the chloroplasts.

People, animals and destruents operate cell breathing. They use the oxygen and produce CO2. Here, glucose belongs to the educts, so it is consumed. The CO2 is exhaled into the air.

Here in more detail:


5 years ago

Where then are the energy-rich substances such as glucose, which form the basis for cell breathing?

Think about why you have to eat something every day!?

And then what happens to the CO2 and H2O coming from the cell breathing,

Think about what’s in the air you breathe out after every breath, all that’s in it!?

5 years ago

The glucose that man needs is absorbed by food.