Zeigt sich die Ursache für Brustkrebs an den einzelnen Brüsten?
Der Gedanke ist interessant und kam von einer Bekannten. Auch in meinem Umfeld sind schon etliche Frauen an Brustkrebs gestorben, das ist einfach nur traurig.
Jetzt habe ich die Zuordnung vergessen, die Bekannte sagte aber dass die eine Brust beziehungsbedingt ist und die andere den Umständen geschuldet. Das ist vorstellbar, Krankheit hat ja immer einen Grund, auch wenn wir uns angewöhnt haben nur die Symptome zu behandeln. Weiß wer was?
This “view” or “consideration” takes away any basis – or in short: is bullshit!
There is a gradation of breast cancer in women with certain genetic changes (e.g. BRCA1/2), but in most cases there is no known cause and no “relational”…
Well, also an answer, but without reason enough for me. Professional experience refers to the disease in general and probably not to the causes. Kidney cancer is also a question of relationship, I found twice in the acquaintance. And every disease has a cause, no matter what. It’s just not worth money.
This is an assertion of you who owes your ignorance of my professional experience…
but… you don’t seem to be interested as long as you don’t agree explicitly….
And I had already mentioned causes!
So “squake” alone is not enough for me. Has anyone ever examined this? And finally, how would the patient react if the doctor says the cause of her illness …. never !
And because it’s so beautiful: Years ago, I was supposed to get a break-op, right, and O-Ton surgeon: “There we go left right with ….” Gar nix was made, I was past the pleasure, in the course of time the pain went away and were never seen.
You’re sick only when you were with the doctor. Don’t come from me!
You obviously like to prove that you know clichés… One time would have been enough:-(
Cliché vs. cliché.
What we would do with conspiracy theories among others: Why do people come to such thoughts? Because there’s always a little truth in there somewhere. My opinion. “Echsenmenschen”, haha, so if I look at the Berlin policy of the established parties – why not? There’s never been such a polio since the war. I left the associated attributes.
It always happens to me in “genetically prestressed” as if this is too easy to groom. The fact that men go out with their hair with increasing age is also “due to the genes”, or was there anything with the hormones?
Life remains complicated…
Of course I can’t judge the professional experience, accusation. There are, however, various aspects of a disease, to say, a surgical and a psychic.
I did not claim to have the right but simply put the question in the room. This must be because doubt is one of the cornerstones of our culture. “The earth is a disc”!
Yeah, I know this is a complete nonsense.
And the earth is a disc? I’ve been reading nix until now, except for a reason.
The question is a working thesis like many. It is possible to think about in peace and not to shoot out of the hip.
Cancer is the unaccounted cell division and reproduction. This can be triggered spontaneously (randomly) or by environmental influences (radiation, poisons), but also by genetic predisposition. This has nothing to do with the individual breast.
It would be nice if there was an investigation. It’s obviously not a pity. Because it’s not done with just doing away.
So in my family, breast cancer is Usus for married women, and it is usually died. My single aunt doesn’t stop. You can think about it or not.
A reliable investigation at nuns would also be interesting. Just with the “reasonable” this is such a thing today. Everything is written for money… see Corona! After that, I must be dead for a long time.
A BRCA-1/2 mutation is inherited automatically dominantly. Hopefully, at school you’ve been paying attention to the fact that not every woman in your family has to be related to you 😀
Similar studies have already been carried out (although not in form). It has been found early that celibacy nuns have a higher risk of illness and could continue to find out later that a long hormonal active period is a risk factor, i.e. many pregnancy, breastfeeding, late menarche, early menopause, normal weight are more protective. No pregnancies, early menache, late menopause, obesity, on the other hand, favour cancer.
Interestingly, the Mamma-Ca is therefore also called “nose carcinoma”. ;
Genetic predisposition is already known. Angelina Jolie has been able to amputate both breasts in her family due to the predisposition.
Auau, that was the answer to Uwe65527, so please. But check out the photos: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=angelina+jolie+sexy&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjT1-fAht7_AhXO0qQKHZcOBCYQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=1536&bih=7
I’d like to believe your speech. Because every woman makes an individual, nix is’ with “genetically dirty”1
As a man, I only (very) lately understood that women have a totally different attitude to their bodies than we men. There’s nix with “fits!” And I fry that if our society had a friendly attitude to sexuality (Hat and never had it), then many associated diseases would have disappeared. Too bad about it as much…
I also have the suspicion that more people have died instead of Corona. But of course there are no investigations. For what.
Thanks for these informal lines.
Really? Isn’t that all over? There is no confidence in your own future as an individual. But good, it shows the attitude of the “Dame” to your own body.
Just googled, “Angelina Jolie sexy”! All right, Commissioner, you could earn your money differently, right?
There are still much more risk factors known: e.g. radiation exposure (as radiation therapist you should already know…), breast cancer of the other contralate. breast, obesity, long hormonal active period, possibly Hormone replacement therapy postmenopausal, fam. Load without mutation detection, BRCA-1/2 mutation, etc.
You spread esoteric bullshit here.