Lost motivation/desire to draw?
Hello, I've been drawing pictures and drawings using various media for the past six months. For example, dragons, plants, and landscapes.
I really started doing it when I wasn't feeling particularly well mentally and was looking for an escape – art, that is. At least back then, I could spend hours on it, sometimes up to eight hours a day.
I'm feeling much better now. Unfortunately, I've started drawing less and less, and lately, I haven't drawn at all. It always happens that I feel like drawing something. Unfortunately, I never know exactly what I want to draw and quickly give up when I'm faced with a blank canvas. This is quite frustrating, as I don't want to lose the time I previously invested in it, and I also want to maintain my drawing skills.
Maybe I can only draw when I'm sad? I don't know why, but I don't want to give up this hobby. It's hard to stick with it when I'm just staring at a blank canvas without doing anything, only to stop right away.
That’s a psychological problem. We don’t know you enough to give you a good advice.
Be happy to be better now, so you can also discover new ones.
How? Do you think my motivation/lust for drawing has to do with not being so good before?
Yeah, that was a distraction.
try zentangle or paint after the bob ross technique.-
zentangle is meditative, the bob ross technique is just a technique. If you understand the principle of both, you can intuitively draw and paint. when you tangle, you can develop your own patterns and the bob ross technique is about painting what is inside you as soon as you can technique and instinctively know what you are doing.
the point is to simply start, scratch, try.
a practice with pencil, which can really make a lot of fun, fill the surface first, press up more or less strongly and then try out all the radier you have to paint a picture. painting through subtraction is really very interesting.
if you have water-resistant neat color pencils, of course, this also goes with it.
you are afraid of your own creativity.
An inner blockade or fear to put the wrong first line.
I might want to “Windows Paint Classic” recommend:
Maybe it could help get rid of the blockade.
The most important thing, however, is to draw the first line, the rest comes from itself.
Maybe it’s like me. I need several hobbies. I am then full of enthusiasm in a hobby and amazed with enthusiasm, but at some point the point where this becomes monotonous or boring, or just not in the mood on it, and then I need something else and deal with it, but that will eventually become monotonous and I need something new again. But there is also the desire to make one of the old hobbies again. It is not a hobby to give up, but it lies on ice.
I also have several hobbies. I also play regularly and like in a band saxophone. When drawing, it feels like I have to draw something at some point, so I don’t know because I had invested so much time. So should I try it later sometime and let it be first?
You’re not gonna learn that. How to cycle. You’re just giving you one, time out, head free until new ideas flow or look at many paintings and maybe you come up with new ideas. Get inspiration