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2 years ago

I’d advise you to look for instructions and tutorials on the Internet. There are many very good ones that are suitable for all levels of experience.

I can also highly recommend the book series “Manga drawing made easy”.


It deals with various basics and also with advanced topics.

It also does not harm you in general the knowledge and skills to acquire the human anatomy, the drawing of spaces and figures in the three-dimensional space as well as light and shadow and perspective. So learn the basics.

As a small help I can recommend Justsketchme:

This is a website that provides free 3D member dolls. This allows you to practice super poses and perspectives.

But the most important thing is to keep practicing and not to let you be discouraged. If you think that a picture hasn’t become the way you wanted it, consider what’s wrong with it, so you don’t like it and then look for help as you can improve it.

2 years ago

I just looked at a viedeos and tried to do it the same. Although not always worked but the drawings looked better than before 😂

2 years ago

Look at the books of TOPP. They are not so expensive, but they can also be borrowed in the library. They contain many details and are very helpful.

Look at the YouTube channels of Chiana and Drawinglikeasir on. They also helped me.

2 years ago

Drawing is something where you only have to have patience while practicing, that will be.