Zeichnen lernen?
Hallo Leute,
Hab gerade erst mit zeichnen angefangen und wollte wissen wie mann digital als auch normal bessere Linienführung bekommt oder auch bei beidem Kreise usw gut zeichnen kann.
Außerdem Detaillierte Bilder zeichnen also allgemeine Tipps und Tricks
All a question of exercise. Whether with paper and pencil or digital.
To improve your line guidance help simple exercises.
One sheet fills with lines in different directions without turning the sheet, then circles in different sizes, quadrangles, triangles.
After that you make body dice, pyramid, balls
Then light and shadow are applied to these simple forms.
If this works well, you start with simple things that consist of shapes, and if you look closely, you notice that almost everything is made of these shapes. The proportions are the next thing you need to practice. But also the one question of exercise 😁
Important : not forcing, art needs time
Thank you.
Start with light things. Draw a bowl, spoon or a chair. Take a newspaper where that’s in, and try to draw it in the same size. I can’t help you digitally. I only work with pen ✏️ and paper. You’ll get better if you draw a little bit every day.