Zehn Finger tippen angewöhnen?
Guten Tag,
Ich versuche grade das zehn Finger schreiben zu erlernen. Dabei ergeben sich mir nur einige Probleme und Fragen. Ich schreibe sehr viel am PC, vorallem Geschichten und ich habe weder die Lust noch die Zeit dazu die nächsten drei Monate kaum bis gar nicht zu schreiben. Deswegen hat jemand Tipps wie ich schneller lerne? Und kann ich wie gewohnt weiterschreiben und halt nur beim Üben mit zehn Fingern?
Oder würde es dann passieren, dass ich es nie lerne?
Ich freue mich auf eure Antworten!
LG Anna
I had great difficulties writing with the 10 finger at the time. Nowadays I am glad that I have done so intensively because it is very much in my everyday work.
I just learned it right when I decided in the private to write everything with the 10 finger system. I was on social networks at the time (which no longer exist today) and answered messages there, etc., with the 10-finger writing – and so I learned it best at the time.
Today there are many desktop versions, such as WhatsApp. For example, if you want to write to your circle of friends or parents what you have experienced today (even for exercise purposes), try to write it by 10-finger.
For example, another exercise is on : e.g. by answering three questions a day or asking questions and forming them with the 10-finger system.
I hope I could help you.
LG Markus
So I used to do this with these sites, just enter 10 finger tips and take the best page that comes, they’re really great. And now, of course, you can write on normally, but would continue to learn and then just whip if you feel safe but I think in 3 months you don’t learn that at all. But I don’t think that’s the one that affects the other. :
There was such a pinball game where you had to hit the buttons to move the part, name I can no longer. Zock there a few hours and then just keep going. So I’ve learned this without course or so and today I can do it completely clean. It just took a few days. It’s just exercise.
Hello, I don’t know if you can help. But there are some good websites on the Internet to learn the ten finger system such as typewriter
With this you are as far as I know from lesson 100 with everything.
On the topic of time, you just have to apply to learning that comes through practicing, but as soon as you can, you are faster than how you would write normally
You learn it much faster when you write 10 fingers from now on. It’s difficult at first, but it’s coming. Also because you write a lot.
Hold the “Windows button” and press the H at the same time, then you don’t need to tap anymore. Then your spoken words are converted into text. I’m talking my texts with a headset and writing all these books.
Wow – what a valuable tip 👍⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
You have to practice this and learn the peculiarities of the system. It is also necessary to adapt to the language speed and the character setting. Once you get that, writing with the headset is really fun.
I thought you wanted to write me a PN?
Okay, it’s like mobile. I’ll try it when I send you a PN from the PC. Please be patient – come destined – promised 😊