Zeh gebrochen?
Bin bei aufräumen gestolpert und es hat extrem laut geknackst . Der Zeh tut abartig weh ( vorallem beim bewegen ) und ist angeschwollen . Kann es sein , dass der gebrochen ist , und was soll ich jetzt machen . Will wegen sowas jetzt nicht zum Arzt
If something is broken – how can it move?
You obviously drew a strong bruise. Put the foot up, cool the place and try to fix the toe with a tape. Then the pain is more bearable.
Good improvement
That was really bad now!
P-E-C-H Good thing for bruises and bruises.
P = pause
E = ice (= cool)
C = Compression
H = Updating
If the compression hurts too much, then, with reinforcement of the break and the shocking replace with Nixtun. That’s what you’re doing.
Think alone, and with advice from the 116117 (Document willingness service), when and how best you come to the doctor and let the foot examine and treat.
I wish you well!
Actually, you don’t have to do anything. Just calm down. If you only did the toe, the same treatment. If the toe is broken, it is anyway at best tapped. But a professional view and an X-ray image can just reveal more and perhaps expose the things that are more problematic.
you will have to go to the doctor if it has cracked
into the emergency room. this must be redded and medically treated.
The swelling alone can lead to irreversible nerve lesion.
Oh got oke, I’ll see I get appointment with the doctor
not recording.
I’d go to the doctor, and he’d give the toe and treat it. Can be broken. What toe is it?
Would tap the toe together with the big toe.
Cool, cool, raise foot…and in a broken toe, nothing is usually done. Except wait.
comes to the zeh. a large or second zeh broken shortly behind the basic joint can destroy the whole fuss geometry. the order is then knee, hip and back damage.
He doesn’t want to be a doctor, so what should I write?!
Go to the doctor.
Because of a tough war I believe a bad conscience 😅
You can also buy yourself an X-ray device, study medicine and treat yourself in the end. If you don’t want to, of course you’re going to the doctor. For such things they are finally there.
I also had broken toes and mine have become ruthless
And how should we check here without an X-ray picture if your toe is broken?