Zeh gebrochen?
Hallo ich habe mein zeh beim in pool springen angeschlagen und habe jetzt die vermutung dass er gebrochen sein könnte kann man das mit hilfe des bildes erkennen oder nicht ?
Er schmerzt an sich die ganze zeit wenn ich aber auf mein Nagebett drücke tut es extremst weh. Mittlerweile ist er unter dem Nagel auch noch mehr blau angelaufen.
Don’t think that’s broken. You have an inner bleeding. A hematom on itself is not bad, but if it cannot spread under the nail there may be problems. In doubt, contact a doctor if it doesn’t get better
So on the basis of the picture you can say that badly, but it indicates that. I’ve had something like that before, but I bumped the little toe at the bathing tub.
There can also be a doctor nix. Because there’s no way to go in there or get it. It just hurts.
Just load the foot as little as possible, wear soft socks and cool. If nix goes more, take painkillers. After 2 weeks, it should be largely pain-free.
You can’t see that.
if he’s broken, but it’s not done. Go to the doctor’s office and let you spell painkillers.
The little toe breaks each time in the course of life. Don’t worry about it, it has to be treated very rarely. Does something hurt…
Breaking toe goes faster than thought, a friend that happened when she stiess barefoot against the doorstep.
I’d like to call my pediatrician about what he says.
(Nothing was done with my girlfriend, she should only be careful – her sister, doctor, then showed her how she can create a patchwork for stabilization (so-called Scherenverband).
You can’t say that on the basis of the picture. It must be examined clinically and, first and foremost, it must also be roasted. If you let them do. If the fracture is a few times old, you can no longer provide it or not so well. This could then lead to permanent problems.