Zartbitterschokolade gesund?
Ich möchte Magerquark nicht pur fressen und wollte mal wissen ob man Zartbitterschokolade damit mischen kann ohne fett zu werden
Hallo, aufgrund meiner veganen Ernährung habe ich B-Vitamine ergänzt. Leider war in einem der Ergänzungsmittel zu viel Vitamin B6, was ich vor ein paar Tagen durch ein Blutbild erfuhr (2,3 mal mehr als der max Sollwert). Ich hatte auch ein paar unangenehme Nebenwirkungen was die Nerven angeht, und meine Nieren scheinen auch viel zu arbeiten…
Hallo Leute! Ich habe mich gefragt wie orthodoxe Christen, die Profisport betreiben, eigentlich fasten. Denn in der orthodoxen Fastenzeit darf man sich ausschließlich nur vegan ernähren und nur an manchen Tagen ist Fisch und Öl erlaubt. Deshalb ist die Kalorienzufuhr massiv eingeschränkt. Wie ernähren sich die Sportler, die fasten müssen?
Ist Farmer Snack eine gute Nuss Marke ich will gute Datteln bestellen von Rewe aber weiß nicht welche Datteln gut sind
ich habe das jetzt immer ohne was zu essen eingenommen mache das seit 3 Wochen wollte fragen warum man das macht und ob das jetzt schlimm ist?
Dick won’t get you through some chocolate, but if you don’t eat wrong and eat more often about your calorie needs.
Sounds to me very much like eating disorder with you.
Why? Do not want to build muscles and do it without protein
Then first inform you about the right diet and among the quark you can also mix fruit.
You probably don’t even know how to feed you for muscle building.
and you mostly chocolate would be the right for muscle building.
Boy, please behave again with athlete nutrition.
Achja during the muscle build-up, you go to a gossip surplus intentionally.
again it is not about egos but the logical factual biology in the context of training with the diet, there are now biological facts.
If you eat, you have a drink in the kitchen on the floor?
Because women also pay much less attention to nutrition than men, nech, own boy
You’re not about who has the bigger penis here, it’s about efficiency what you’re going to be inefficient.
But strong you know what I’m doing
Typical man when the arguments go out!
Language nh frau🤣
That’s right, the trainer every day, but he’s not a model.
For muscle building, the right diet is important and you have no idea that the guy is obviously not.
Tik Tok is not a serious source of information
Just because you take steroids you are equally full of muscles every jürgen thinks
“oh he will take what looks like” and yet the type trains several times in the week without training he would not look like that
Great source of information, such a bodybuilder pumped up by sterioides.
Learn about specialist literature and nutritional advisers.
But he would look like that
Yeah, I know that’s why I eat broccoli too, and so
the guy isn’t the holy ridge and doesn’t have any idea.
Sure I regularly watch Markus rühl
not every protein is equally good.
Naja Zartbitterschokolade has 10g protein on 100g
Chocolate has sugar and fat. Fat makes fat when it’s too much. Mix it with some fruit.
Fruit is expensive
everything makes fat when it’s too much.
“Feats” – ??
if you mean you have to mix chocolate under it, do that. You won’t get fat. But there would be better ideas for Magerquark.
I mix with fruit and protein powder vanilla
you will not get fat from a chocolate, you will get fat from a lasting caloric surplus over months and years.
Yes, every day I’ll eat magic jar with tender chocolate
only info here is that explains how to calculate kalorin top for the woman below for the man Computing-Formel-fuer-den-Diaet-Erfolg.html
even then you do not reach a caloric excess except it would be easy 40 quarks.
Do you even know how to calculate that? that goes according to body size and weight, age and gender is also relevant.