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1 year ago

Why is my calla going in?

A premature discoloration of the calla leaves may be due to care defects, poor location, too dry substrate, nutrient deficiency, pest attack or diseases caused by contaminated soil.

The care of the roomcalla

  1. Bright and warm location (between 12 and 20 ̊C)
  2. Pour once or twice a week and add some fertilizer.
  3. Make sure the pot bale doesn’t get too wet.
  4. Older flowers that become green leave the plant – when they turn brown, decrease.

Zantedeschia, Room Kalla – Calla – My beautiful garden

1 year ago
Reply to  Mamue1968

How do I save my calla?

To Retten pour out wet substrate from roots, cut off rotten roots, put in good flower soil and pour so much that the earth does not fill dry. Don’t thunder. Keep it dry until the plant has recovered.

Problems with my Calla –