Tooth root infection and dentist doesn’t do anything?


I went to the dentist this morning because I've been in a lot of pain since yesterday morning (I didn't sleep half the night). The tooth that hurts has had root canal treatment and is now unfortunately inflamed at the root tip. The doctor just looked at it, pressed a little with the mirror and said she would prescribe me penicillin. Is this the right procedure? The last time I had problems with the tooth, it was opened up so that at least the pressing pain caused by the "gas" would go away. Should I go to a second dentist? Or is treatment with penicillin promising and FAST? I don't want to spend another night without sleep. Thanks for your answers.

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2 years ago

The doctor just looked at this and pressed something with the mirror and told me to write penicillin. Is that right?

No, that’s not right. The existing root canal filling must be removed and revised. The antibiotic – the effect occurs at the earliest morning, rather overmorning – lets the acute inflammation decay temporarily, but has no influence on the cause of inflammation. This is formed because inflammatory tissue remains in the root channels, at least in a W channel.

If, in the long term, you value the preservation of the tooth, then you should be able to carry out the revision of an endodontologist – this is a dentist specializing in root canal treatments. Then you can assume that you can get the tooth very, very long. Disadvantage: Unfortunately, this treatment is a pure private service that is not funded by the GKV.

However, you should definitely end the antibiotic and do not stop the treatment/use (the term antibiotic resistance). If you still have pain today and tomorrow, then take pain tablets – preferably ibuprofen.

2 years ago
Reply to  dejohnny1202

Very welcome 🙂

Does the influx of the drug actually cool?

No, you don’t have to worry. Cooling certainly helps against inflammation and also against pain. Hopefully I wish you a painless and good night.

2 years ago
Reply to  Deichgoettin

Thanks for the star 🙂

2 years ago

Yes in the case of acute inflammation, an antibiotic is first given against inflammation. Only when the inflammation is gone can the dentist do something.

2 years ago
Reply to  dejohnny1202

It takes one, two days before the inflammation starts.

2 years ago
Reply to  JayCeD

No, it’s not.

2 years ago

Antibiotics is a standard first.

If it doesn’t get better, the tooth will be opened again.

Let you spell painkillers.

2 years ago

Yes, before the actual treatment begins, the inflammation must first be cured.

2 years ago

He can’t work on an inflamed tooth.

2 years ago

Change the dentist.

2 years ago
Reply to  anti45

Another dentist will do the same.