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10 months ago

If the dental stone is already stained and hard, if you are practiced, you can remove the dental stone with a dental cuvette. Otherwise by a veterinarian using ultrasound and soft anesthesia.

When the dental stone is removed, you can easily keep the teeth clean, in which you regularly remove the still soft dental stone / plaque. A thumb nail is enough to clean the teeth up from the gum.

My dogs have never been to the veterinarian because of dental stones and have no dental stone even at the high age.

10 months ago

I wouldn’t try. You yourself are not practiced in it, does not have the right tool and only risks the dog being hurt in the mouth. The trusting relationship between the dog and the human being isn’t exactly tolerable. Please go to the vet, that’s not so expensive.

10 months ago

Not at all. In any case, not thoroughly unless you have an ultrasound device, can handle it and the dog can please it but this is so in the rarest cases….

Gesin is also under the gum and you can’t get it. it doesn’t use anything if you just scratch a bit on your teeth then you just ruin your tooth enamel and create even worse problems.

Depending on how bad this is with the dental stone in your dog, you can only remove it from the veterinarian in anesthesia and then start brushing etc. The correct feeding can also minimize the formation of dental stones.

10 months ago

With the same ultrasound devices that people also use. There are already 39 euros on Amazon.

They are easy to handle, safe and do not cause injury. However, if there is a lot of dentistry, the TA must do it.

Of course, the dog has to be used to it for the first time, and from character it must be very quiet and suspicious.

You don’t have to try with a scary dog. That could end bad for you.

I’ve had a Golden Retriever, he was very good and had everything done. There was no problem with dental care.

10 months ago

That’s not a good idea. Something can go wrong. You better go to the vet.


10 months ago

There are so gums for dogs.

They don’t do much, but better than nothing.

Otherwise, only the dental cleaning will remain with the veterinarian.

Best always brush your teeth as in humans