Zahnspange zum zweiten Mal?
Hallo, ich habe vor ca. 4 Jahren meine Feste Zahnspange bekommen. Danach habe ich eine durchsichtige Schiene bekommen. Das Problem ist, dass ich sie früher nie regelmäßig reingemacht habe und jetzt sind meine unteren Zähne komplett verschoben. Meine Frage ist jetzt ob die Kosten einer Zahnspange nochmal von der Krankenkasse übernommen werden (ich bin 16 Jahre alt).
This depends on how strong your misplacement is now. After your description rather not – probably you have to pay the correction yourself.
So it’s not just a tooth. My whole lower jaw has moved.
Yeah, but that’s probably not enough. Do you have to judge a pine orthopaedic – have you been there for advice?
nope, isn’t the health insurance. You could have just had a fixed-seated tanker in place to stay in the whole life. Then you wouldn’t have the problem now. The other option is your rail if it still fits to carry and push the teeth back
Unfortunately, I didn’t have the chance to choose a container. My dentist or orthodontist was very incompetent. Nevertheless, I regret it, but one must remember that I was only 12 years old and did not see the consequences.
I don’t think that much less than before 12 does not actually start any CFO treatment at all, let alone finish.
No, the sickness fund pays only once a chip treatment if you are underage. A second is not taken over