Zahnspange schrauben?

Mein Kieferorthopäden meinte das mein kiefer einbischen nach hinten ist aber ich bin eigentlich zu frieden ich habe Schrauben an meine zahnspange bekommen und möchte sie aber nicht das problem ist wir haben den vertrag schon unterschrieben was soll ich tun.

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5 months ago

Hello Hasskan,

if you pay for the treatment privately, then the orthodontic orthodontist does whatever you want, as long as it is not completely useless

It goes without saying that the whole thing is immediately rebuilt, which has just been installed when you pay for it.

It looks different when the cashier pays the treatment. Then you signed a treatment plan and it will be processed. If you don’t want to do this, the treatment will be terminated – with all the consequences. Here, during the treatment, you can only take great influence on the things you pay for yourself. But here too, the share of cash registers must not be affected.

Generally speaking, contracts are concluded to adhere to them. Everything else can make a very expensive hobby;-)

Good luck!


5 months ago

You don’t know what the result looks like, so you can’t say you don’t like it.

I can only advise you, follow what your parents and the dentist think right, otherwise you will regret it later.

My now adult daughter would have had to wear a brace in her young years. But she didn’t want to understand and not understand why and why, and neither would she regret it later.

Since she was a very willing person as a child, we knew she wouldn’t wear the chips.

Today, she very much regrets this and thinks we should have prevailed at that time. But she doesn’t blame us. We never forced our children to understand anything they could understand, but didn’t want to understand. But it was a teaching to them that they must also live with the consequences, or not.

Unfortunately, not all react as our daughter, because mostly the mothers/parents are always all due. They only want the best for their children

5 months ago
Reply to  Hasskan

Your mother may withdraw the contract within a period of 14 days. In a treatment contract, this could even be without a deadline. Make yourself smart on the internet. For example, I’ve read this….

Termination of the treatment contract

The patient may terminate the treatment contract at any time, even without giving reasons (§ 627 BGB).

If the patient wishes, the dentist may request a compensation for his previously provided services from the patient (§ 628 para. 1 sentence 1 BGB).

5 months ago

Just do, numbers you do anyway and directed is better than not directed…