Zahnspange mit 20 wie teuer?
Ich hab schiefe Zähne, keine besonders außergewöhnlich schiefe aber schon so dass meine Vampirzähne schief sind und meine „Hasenzähne“ nach vorne drücken. Also alles sehr eng oben.
mein Oberkiefer ist auch weiter vorne als mein unterkiefer.
Wenn ich lache kommt das mega raus…
Fühle mich unwohl…
Wie viel kostet eine Spange mit 20 oder allgemein? Klar, kann das nur ein Arzt sagen, aber mit wie viel könnte man ungefähr rechnen?
Würde es halt lieber mit ner Zahnspange machen, da ich eigentlich schöne gesunde Zähne hab. Will da nicht wie die ganzen Influencer sofort in die Türkei zum Doc fliegen und mir neue Zähne machen lassen.
Depends on what’s done, and what a brace you get. But a few thousand euros can be already. With me, it would have been something in the direction of 4000-5000 if I had to pay it myself. But there were also self-ligating brackets, the simple metal brackets would have been cheaper.
And depending on what needs to be done, there is also the possibility to make the whole with rails. Inconspicuous and as far as I know something cheaper.
Just let yourself be advised by a pine orthopaedic, he’ll be able to tell you what it costs.
Hello, Bloben,
a classic adult treatment takes about two years and thus costs up from 4000 € with air.
Good luck!
I got my tooth chips 6 months ago, they are self-sufficient tooth chips and cost a total of 3,000 euros because I live in the Philippines. In Germany, this costs about 3,000 to 5,000 euros to get tooth chips.
An acquaintance made it even before the 18th because it became very expensive afterwards. 3000 to 5000 euros are probably necessary depending on the method. However, she wouldn’t do it again because some teeth are splintered by the chips.
You need to visit the jaw surgeon once he finds that your jaw is crooked and you have beauty mistakes or you can not chew properly and then you need to ask the savings bank if you take over completely costs or only part of it if not the brace costs from 3000 euro
My wife had asked that for herself, somewhere around the 3500€, that was all about it and about it.