Zahnspange mit 18?

Hallo, Ich sitz gerade beim Zahnarzt und habe jetzt endlich nach so vielen Jahren mich dazu entschlossen eine Zahnspange tragen zu wollen. Ich wollte es schon als kleines Kind, aber da ich eigentlich gerade Zähne und keine Kiefer Fehlstellung oder so habe, haben sich meine Eltern nicht darum gekümmert. Ich habe aber eine mittelgroße Zahnlücke an meinen Vorderzähnen und sie stören mich extrem. Möchte garnicht mit den Zähnen lächeln und bin sehr unsicher darüber.

Das ding ist, dass ich jetzt in einem Monat 18 werde und die Krankenkasse ja nur bei Kindern die Kosten teilweise übernimmt. Meine Frage ist jetzt, ob die 18 auch dazuzählt und teilweise übernommen wird, oder ob ich den vollen Preis zahlen muss. Wie gesagt wäre es für mich dann nicht aus einem medizinischen Grund, sondern eher ästhetisch. (Könnte zwar erwähnen, dass ich auch gehänselt wurde und es enorm auf meine psyche wirkt und mich im Alltag einschränkt aber weiß eben nicht ob sie das als guten Grund sehen)


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9 months ago

Hello anonymmouss222,

In many patients, the focus is on optical deviations. However, a pine orthodontist will surely find further misalignments.

Whether these mismatches are sufficient for classification at least in KIG level III, a orthodontic orthodontist can usually tell you at the first consultation.

If not and the problem goes into aesthetic dentistry, you have to pay everything – no matter how old.

Otherwise, a month of lead time is conceivable for a treatment with cost acceptance. You’d have to find a pine orthopedic where you’ll get an appointment on Monday. The one who created the treatment plan on Tuesday, which you sign on Wednesday, and then the thing has to go to the checkout immediately. If the treatment plan is accepted, you will receive a commitment to cost acceptance after three weeks at the latest. However, since (good) orthodontic orthodontics have too many potential patients, they are not likely to be involved in such an action. But maybe you know one good or one of you well know 😉

But even if it were purely visual, this also knows orthodontics and that is not a problem for him. He does everything the patient wants if it is not completely useless.

A treatment costs less than one box of cigarettes a day and many are afforded. If you think of a nobleman’s treatment, you would have to pay for it yourself and the amount does not fall on a stroke, but is distributed over the entire duration of the treatment. Some pine orthopaedics also offer rate payments, that will be even better planned.

You can forget a cost-sharing of the cashier for mental problems. Until you have received the necessary opinions and have put the matter in court – with the whole process risk, you have already paid the chip.

Good luck!


9 months ago

Hello, I am a dental specialist and can give you feedback on this.
Unfortunately, I must inform you that the health insurance does not take such treatments.

The sickness fund takes over the orthodontic treatments of 6-18, but the 18th. This is not included in the year of life. In addition, the health insurance fund will cut off when a treatment is started and when it is expected to end. This means purely theoretically, if your gap can only be closed for three years, this part would have to be started with 15.

In addition, this is not a necessary treatment, from a purely orthodontic view, but rather an aesthetic disorder and that the health insurance does not pay. But it happens when an objection is raised that these are taken over, especially if one has just been pampered or does not come true with the dental hygiene.

However, this is only the exception and since you will soon become 18, there is 100% no permission that I have to tell you so.

The only thing you could do is sue your parents for it (so hard it sounds). Then your parents would have to justify why they didn’t close this gap at the time, if it was known that you were previously bullied and would have to pay for these costs. This is a long process.

9 months ago

The health insurance company takes care of this. But since we certainly don’t have the same KK, you better inform yourself again.

I got mine with 18 too.

You pay 20%, 80% of the sickness fund.