Zahnspange aus Draht?

Macht man die eigentlich abends raus oder so,weil wie putzt man sonst seine Zähne frage ich mich?Und wie machen die die ab?

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2 years ago

There you can brush with a NOT electric toothbrush and have so small brushes for under the wire and in the interspaces.

In addition, mouthwashings for brace racks are also offered extra, since the normal mouthwashing is not good for the brace or The glue of the brace is 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  PlumenMaus

Also clean 3 times a day.

2 years ago

Hello spongebollel,

a fixed brace is called FESTE brace, which is connected to the teeth FEST. There’s nothing you can do.

Therefore, the oral hygiene is also much more complicated, since by the braces there are infinitely more corners, edges, niches in the mouth, where food residues can deposit and form biofilm.

Good luck!


2 years ago
Reply to  SilentGirl186

There are also rare cases in which only one jaw comes a brace. But then only minor misalignments can be treated, since the bite must also be correct. Or compromises will be made for cost reasons.

2 years ago

You can’t just turn it off 😂. It’s still on teeth cleaning. I’ve been mine since Thursday and brushing the teeth is pretty cumbersome and I always need to get all the food out between the wires. I sometimes brush my teeth 4 times a day

2 years ago

You can’t just take a fixed brace out. It’s still in the teeth. Teeth cleaning is therefore more laborious, but quite possible.