
Ich muss bald zum Kieferorthopäden. Ich hab noch keine Zahnspange, weil ich in 3 Wochen eine Zusatzspange bekomme, weil mein Kiefer anderes isz und wenn die das wieder richten, gehts weiter. Also bei dem baldigen Termin wollen sie Gummis einsetzen, aber wie denn, wenn da noch keine Spange ist? Die Frage klingt dumm aber bin dezent verwirrt und muss das einfach wissen. Und tut das weh?

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2 years ago

Hello Hermione,

you get separary gums between the backing teeth. They are thereby pressed apart and space is created so that the bands can then be cemented there when the brace is installed.

Some only feel a slight pressure, but it can also be quite painful. Backence teeth are large, well anchored teeth. If you move it, you can feel it.

To which group you belong, you will learn one to two hours after the insertion 😉

Good luck!


2 years ago

Hey, I think with rubbers, in this case, these are meant a rubber that is squeezed before the chip between certain jaw teeth so that the gaps between the teeth are larger because then metal rings (part of the brace) come later.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hermione08

No, but after they’re in there…

2 years ago
Reply to  Hermione08

No, 0.0%

2 years ago

No – you’re not starving. Must eat soft things – soup, yogurt, porridge…

2 years ago

Well that’s life 🤷🏻 ♀️ Do you already, there’s something like yogurt and so, lots of fun 😉

2 years ago

Well, everyone is different, I think it depends on how close the teeth stand