Zahnschmerzen normal?
War gestern beim Zahnarzt wegen Schmerzen am Backenzahn die ausstrahlen auf weitere Zähne. Habe eine medizinische Zementfüllung in den Backenzahn bekommen. Zwischendurch habe ich jetzt heute keine Schmerzen und manchmal zieht es doll. Ist das normal ? Bzw kann es sein dass der Zahn vom Eingriff gestern noch gereizt ist?
You should ask again in 2 days if the pain is still there.
I think the cement fillings will replace the amalgam.
But that’s not a good news:
I find it a shame and a groundless evil of the EU to ban such an effective filling mass. A hetz hunt from hearing-say, so pure garnix facts-based.
So I’m afraid of what’s going on for dentist visits, and you can’t offer me long-lasting amalgam fillings anymore…
So wait for the weekend? So he put medicine in and stuffed with cement. He doesn’t have a proper filling on it if you have to get it again.
Yeah, that’s just a temporary filling, not a final one.,S%C3%A4uren%20and%20Bacteria%20as%20.
That is why the question of what the future looks like is:
Instead of having an amalgam filling. In the future, the plastic fillings will have to be renewed annually.
With this amalgam ban, the politicians ruin our teeth. Because it can’t be good to have the fillings used every year, or to have to re-drill again and again…
It’s a barrel without a floor, what’s gonna be opened…
Jain: It’s like this: The tooth has to get used to the new unknown:
Just like in the summer, when you put only the toe in the water, and it appears too cold, the tooth reacts for the first time.
Yeah, I didn’t know. But in terms of pain, can you push that on the intervention of yesterday?