Zahnschmerzen nach Wiedereinsetzen einer Brücke?
Der Zahn unter einer Brücke schmerzt, nachdem sie eine Weile gewackelt hat und wieder eingesetzt wurde. Der Nerv ist nicht entzündet. Keiner findet den Fehler. Das geht jetzt schon seit 4 Wochen. was tun?
S.O.S. Die Schmerzen sind ohne Schmerzmittel nicht zu ertragen
And the tooth didn’t melt? Not occasionally?
Then a root canal treatment must be carried out on the tooth with certainty.
Tip from me: If you want to get the tooth permanently – and I think it is in your interest with a bridge pillar – then I advise you to make the root canal filling from a specialized dentist. This is a endodontologes. Because only one tooth with a truly perfect root filling has the same life expectancy as a healthy tooth, which is rarely given in a root canal treatment in a “normal” dentist.
The endodontologe has special instruments (very expensive), which your home dentist certainly does not have. Innovative technology is used in the root canal treatment, which significantly increases the chance of obtaining the tooth. If it was my tooth, I’d decide.
Thank you. This is megahilfreich! No, she just woke up before, but not hurt. The dentist hammered her out and immediately re-used and when the anesthesia was over, I wanted to die
Inflammation cannot be seen on the X-ray image. It can still be that after such a long time it goes by itself
If the tooth needs a root filling, then it is not necessary to have an inflammation. And such pain as you describe them do not go away from themselves.
Very much.
Manno! Then I’m looking for this endologist now. Thank you.
How long and why did she taste? Fixed the bug?
She wobbled ’cause I think I’ll bite in the back at night. I have a strong overseat and the backseats have to stem everything, sigh