Zahnschmerzen Krankmeldung?
hab Zahnschmerzen. (vorraussichtlich Zahnfleischentzündung). Hab aber erst am Mittwoch einen Termin beim Zahnarzt.
Aktuell bin ich auf Arbeit und kann aufgrund der Schmerzen eigentlich nix machen.
Jetzt ist meine Frage ob mir mein Zahnarzt dann am Mittwoch rückwirkend eine Krankmeldung ausstellt oder ich bis Mittwoch irgendwie durchhalten muss?
the doctor can write you up to 3 days retroactively, but I don’t know if it’s for the dentist. Otherwise, if it’s very bad, you can go to your city’s tooth emergency service. Must probably expect a long waiting period but better than torment you at work. Good improvement
Reacting sick writing is not going.
There is also a telephone call. I’m not sure if that’s what the dentist does. Otherwise, just ask the doctor if it’s really that bad.
Well, it feels like there’s something between my teeth that crushes them. At the same time it burns and there is a feeling of pressure.
“Schlimm” everyone feels different especially in toothaches….
I realize that was not meant negatively either. Should mean, if it’s so bad for you that you can’t see yourself in a reasonable way to work.
Because of normal gum inflammation, no person has such severe pain that he cannot work.
No. In addition, there is no medical prescription/AU for gum inflammation.
If the pain is actually so bad, call again your ZA, explain the situation, because then this is not a pain that comes from gum inflammation.