
Ich hab mir vor 1 woche mein Zahn behandeln lassen und ich durfte kein Röntgenbild machen, weil ich schwanger bin, der Arzt hat mir mein Zahn zu gemacht. Was sich beim Oralchirurgen, festgestellt hatt, dass mein Zahn das Problem sei und nicht mein Zahnfleisch, er meinte ich habe einen entzündeten Wurzelkanal, ich hab solche schmerzen… hab morgen bei einen anderen Zahnarzt mein Termin, wird er mir den Zahn auch lhne röntgenBild machen? Ich hab solche schmerzen…. Ich hab so ne angst nicht über‘m Wochenende mit den Schmerzen zu bleiben… 😞ich wusste nicht dass wenn man schwanger ist solche Probleme mit dem Zahnarzt haben kann….

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2 months ago

They say a tooth per pregnancy.

X-ray images are of course possible in pregnancy, but it is not necessary to do so because of the radiation. The dentist can also notice inflammation without pictures. I myself had great problems in my last pregnancy (4th month) and even had to take antibiotics (by agreement with the female doctor). However, I got permission to take Paracetamol. This active ingredient also likes to be given to women in labor as a buscopan over the drip. Otherwise, it’s only cool! You can also ask your dentist to consult your doctor. My two doctors also phoned each other when it was about the antibiotic, because I also had root inflammation. Good luck!

2 months ago

In any case, go to the dentist tomorrow and leave the tooth to step/drill and remove the nerves of the tooth. You should leave your pain right away. The one that looks like further treatment should discuss your ZA with the gynecologist.

2 months ago


in case of acute pain gain and no improvement due to painkillers that your oral surgeon has presumably prescribed you, there is a dental care service that is there for you 24 hours. About Google you will find the right one from your region for you.

Good luck!