Zahnpflegeprodukte bei Katzen?

Welches Produkt hilft bei Katzenzähnen am besten?

Hab mich etwas informiert und folgende Sachen gefunden: Fingerpads, Filetstreifen, Matatabi Sticks und eine Katzen-Zahnbürste mit Katzen-Zahnpaste.

Ist eines der Produkte gut oder habt ihr andere Empfehlungen?😊

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1 year ago

The best is raw meat.
The chewing on raw pieces of meat is the most natural form of tooth cleaning for predators, for this it does not need toothbrushes, or special snacks.
Taken from pig and wild boar you can feed any kind of raw meat, also fish is suitable.
With fish, however, you have to be careful with bones, small fish usually have soft bones that are not a problem, but larger one should remove.
Muscle meat, heart and stomach offer good variety next to the cat food.
kidney and liver should never be more than max. 2 pieces (size of chicken liver) are fed per week at an adult cat, too much is not healthy, but a little is quite good for them.
Liver and kidney are rarely eaten pure so you can cut well and pack under muscle.

My two Rabaukens love mainly wild, turkey and fish.

I myself usually freeze in small zip pockets, i.e. piecewise, these are around the 5×7 cm zipper, since you can only buy packings, especially in the case of liver and kidney a little stupid and if you freeze everything together you do not get them apart. So I can soak up the liver and kidney in pieces, if necessary. freeze without several pieces sticking to each other and I have to chew everything up.

1 year ago

Raw meat. 20% of the feed you can simply give as raw without worrying about supplements or compositions. A pretty good variant would be, for example, raw chicken hearts. If there is in the supermarket, you can be portioned well and also freeze and also supply the Taurine so important for cats.

1 year ago

The toothbrush is supposed to be good, but bring this to a cat. She won’t be as excited as mine when I get the comb.