Zahnpasta verschluckt was tun?
Hallo, ich putze mir regelmäßig die Zähne, aber ich habe ein Problem: Wenn ich mit dem Zähne putzen fertig bin, spuck ich die Zahnpasta-Speichel Mischung aus, aber aus irgendeinen Grund ist immer etwas dieser Mischung im hinteren Raum meines Mundes, also hinter der Zunge, weswegen ich es wohl oder übel runterschlucken muss. Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass es nicht gesund ist, deswegen würde ich gerne wissen, warum das so ist und was man dagegen tun kann.
It’s toothpaste, not bleaching.
It’s nothing you should do regularly and of course toothpaste is not meant to feed them tube-wise, but because of a swallowed portion you don’t have to worry.
Yes, but the problem is that it almost always happens to me after brushing the teeth, because a bit of this toothpaste splice mixture, which is spit out after brushing the teeth, remains in the back room of the mouth, i.e. even behind the tongue, no matter how much I try to spit it out. Then I have to swallow it down, which is not good, and I don’t know how it doesn’t happen to me anymore
Yeah, that’s not happening. It’s not good for your body, but it’s not bad.
Nothing, as long as you haven’t swallowed the whole tube, it’s not a problem.
Call the doctor…
No, honestly, what’s going to happen? Nix, nothing. Do you really think there are toothpastes that every person buys if these can trigger any diseases? No.
All right, it’s not poisonous.
Drink some water on it. There’s nothing happening.
You could rinse your mouth with water. At least I do. To get the remains behind my tongue, I gurgel
Nothing will happen to you, nothing.
Nothing, life goes on. 🙂
You will survive it is thought for the mouth