Zahnfüllung aufhellen?

Also ich habe vor paar Jahren mein Zahn gebrochen (Schneidezahn), der wurde Kunstlicht wieder aufgefüllt und jetzt ist der Zahn verfärbt (btw der Zahn ist auch schon tot also fühle ich keine Schmerzen mehr und so). Kann mir jemand sagen wie man es wieder aufhellt?

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2 years ago

Not at all. If the tooth is dead, he’ll have to get out. He would say goodbye to himself anyway. Better you let a dentist look at it

2 years ago
Reply to  windsbraut0307

A “dead” tooth doesn’t necessarily have to get out!

2 years ago

Hello Eivhru,

the tooth on which one piece has broken off was filled with composite, which is a light-curing plastic, and remodeled. This composite is available in different colors. The dentist selects the color that comes closest to the current tooth color. And this color remains. You can’t change them either.

Good luck!


2 years ago

One so I hope that the tooth is root-treated requires a crown, but it is only made when you are full year.

Otherwise, the tooth can be bleached from the inside with hydrogen peroxide 30% from the inside, until then. This can only be done by the dentist.