Zahnfleisch-wie verbessern?
Hallo ich habe hier ein Foto gefunden von jemanden. Ich habe dasselbe Problem, nur nicht so ausgeprägt, also schon weniger aber man sieht halt auch so einen Ring.. Beim Zahnarzt wurde mir auf eine weiche Zahnbürste verwiesen. Aber eine Putztechnik wurde mir nicht erklärt. Kann mir jemand sagen wie ich richtig putzen soll oder was sonst noch gut wäre. ?Außerdem habe ich schmerzempfindliche Zähne durch etwas Zahnfleischrückgang
Liebe Grüsse
Do you like yourself, just take an electric toothbrush, which is the best thing for your situation and for 99% of people. Then simply take off the teeth slowly 5-6 sec on each tooth will only remain chewing then outer and then inner surfaces. They also indicate if you push too much, that is the most important. If you brush your hand then the brass technique. Brush 45 degrees down on each tooth light shake movements then spread from red to white. But as I said please do yourself something good and cleaning just electric
That’s sweet, but I tried and didn’t do well. Was too hard for me though I had sensitive brushes. the dentist also meant a hand toothbrush should I take
Yes So as I said electric is the best and most sensitive what there is. If you buy an oral B there is even an extra mode for gum massage. You can’t just press and, above all, don’t move your hand. Manual scrubbing is the worst thing you can do for your gum at the moment
Studies don’t prove that. details?language=de&Id=ka07Q000001hBUYQA2 details?language=de&Id=ka07Q000001hBUJQA2 details?language=de&Id=ka07Q000001hBPEQA2
Do you need more?
but studies prove that and I can even tell you if you want to read it. It is doubtless evidence that electric toothbrushes can be achieved more quickly and easily with much better cleaning results, and also the periodontal friendliness is given thanks to pressure control with respect to the same
Thank you for this respectless comment.
I can’t see how you take the assurance that there was no money from the toothbrush manufacturer. Unfortunately, I cannot see the full article. In the future, I recommend to mention the original articles as a source and not a summary used by industry for advertising purposes.
Would you like to return to the claim that electric toothbrushes are beneficial for 99% of people?
but you can already read correctly and realize that the independent studies are quoted only by Oral B on the page and not commissioned by them, or?
Yes, an independent study that was not funded by a manufacturer of electric toothbrushes.
In addition, I cannot find in any of the articles the statement that 99% of the participants benefited from the electric toothbrush.
Either you buy an electric toothbrush – that doesn’t have to be the most expensive on the market – or look here. More instructions and tips available at YT
You should also buy Elmex-Gelee, which you – gem. Add-ons – should apply once a week.
I have one. But they’re too hard and rough to me, even with the sensitive brush heads. Use the Curaprox Velvet, which has been recommended to me. Do you have any more tips?
I find the simple Oral B better. It is certainly also a matter of opinion.
I find that – if your gum looks like on the photo – the gum decline is not as tragic or even worrying. It is still important that you do good oral hygiene. You can also think about removing or shortening the lipstick in the lower jaw. Your ZA can tell you more
The lip bands also called Frenulum labii | Zahnlexikon | Zahnvilla Salem (
I don’t know what the ring should be????? The patient on the photo has no visible gum pockets.
Thank you.. But what does this ring call itself? Are the gum pockets?
No. Lipssmall, not tongues.
This is also not the task of a prophylaxis assistant.
Emergency questions about oral oral surgery.
Is that the same as a little tongue? Because that was cut out as a toddler. do you see this kind of ring under the tooth? I have two teeth. I recently had oral hygiene and there was nothing wrong with the assistant
My dentist has always recommended small circular movements, so this is at least what I noticed 😀
However, he also meant that one should only gently press on the gum because it can otherwise be irritated. So correct toothbrush, soften up + correct toothpaste (there are for sensitive gums)
Oh and also important in general: always make the tooth interspaces clean, so either with toothbrush with appropriate bristles or tooth silk (but have never tried tooth silk, so I cannot help you)
I’ve always done that, the circular movements. I always had soft toothbrush. Do not understand why this is so. Do you know anything else about delicate gums, something strengthening?
Well important is a matching toothpaste with appropriate ingredients, but I don’t know 100%. Some toothpastes are special for sensitive gums, and especially gently brush because this irritates the gum
you have to brush the gum. In the beginning, it may not hurt a bit, but if you regularly do it is soon healthy again