Zähne werden immer durchsichtiger?

Hallo zusammen

Habe ein Problem, denn meine Zähne werden so wie ich denke immer durchsichtiger. Momentan sind sie vor allem an den Schneidezähnen (unten) an den Rändern sehr durchsichtig. Woran könnte das liegen und was kann ich dagegen tun? War deswegen schon mehrmals beim Zahnarzt, dieser hat mir jedoch auch nicht weitergeholfen. Unten füge ich noch ein Bild ein, weiss nicht ob man es gut erkennt…

Lg Joel

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1 year ago

The reason for this tooth erosion is the excessive wear of the tooth enamel. This is briefly softened by acidic foods and beverages such as fruit juice, wine or lemonade, so that minerals are unfortunately released from the tooth surface. As a result, the hardness of the tooth enamel is reduced, as a result of which the teeth become slightly transparent/perforating. It is also possible that the teeth react to thermal stimuli and acid.

Unfortunately, the damaged tooth enamel can no longer be restored. But there are ways to stop the degradation of the tooth enamel. You should buy a toothpaste for sensitive teeth, e.g. Sensodyne. Furthermore, it makes sense that you are 1x in the week Elmex Gelee – acc. Add-ons – use. You have to abandon a toothpaste that lightens the teeth a little. This promotes only a further melt degradation by the abrasion. And you should reduce the consumption of sugary foods and drinks to reduce the risk of caries.

Incomprehensible to me that your ZA has not enlightened you. But I think that my “Roman” will help you.

1 year ago
Reply to  jowi07

Thank you. With “less dense” your ZA also means tooth melting. If he hadn’t explained otherwise, he could recommend the toothpastes. It’s important that you have a good oral hygiene and care for Elmex and Sensodyne.

11 months ago
Reply to  Deichgoettin

Thanks for the star 🙂

11 months ago

The toothpaste is all right. L.G.

1 year ago

Yeah, I’d use both toothpastes. Above all, a (normal) toothpaste that does not lighten your teeth. This is for the tooth enamel like smouldering paper and sensodyne also helps when your teeth are somewhat sensitive.

1 year ago

I know this can be caused by fluoride.

1 year ago

Hey, hey, well, over years, tooth enamel becomes less and less, but some things favor this abrasion. Do you bite nails, for example? Pain sensitive can also have many causes… is you a lot of acidic food? Acid also attacks the enamel.

1 year ago
Reply to  jowi07

Well, if you say you’re right, then your front should be “short” too, I hope you know how I mean:)

1 year ago

Your tooth enamel disappears. I cannot offer you causes and solutions.

1 year ago
Reply to  jowi07

Because the cause seems to attack more the lower teeth than the upper ones. Cars have more rockets at the front than at the back.