Zähne weißer kriegen ohne Bleaching?
Ich war heute wieder bei der Zahnreinigung und habe mich beraten lassen über Bleaching. Mir wurde davon abgeraten, da ich mit meinen Zähnen schon sehr viel geknirscht habe, wodurch dann beim Bleaching die Gefahr groß ist, dass meine Zähne stark empfindlich werden. Gibt es noch andere Methoden die weniger schädlich sind um die Zähne heller zu kriegen?
My dentist told me that I should buy the Elmex tooth gel, which I also did at the pharmacy – this should be a new means that can help regenerate the tooth enamel.
Bleaching I also did with the dentist and then I felt that my teeth were slightly unpleasant at the bottom. Let me just use this Elmex tooth gel for half a year every week and then try again. The tube is approx. 9cm high and white-yellow white.
I hope it helps. You can ask the dentist if you can buy hydrogen peroxide 3% (1l costs about 12 euro) to bleach the teeth yourself. However, I would also ask if the Elmex tooth gel helps you. Then I’d use it for a few months and then try bleaching. But be careful, because the stuff can be toxic to the teeth and gums if you do not keep the dosage.
Just ask the dentist before! Use nothing unthinkable!
If you want to get your teeth whiter in a conventional way, I recommend this whitening stripes – these are so sticky strips that you can stick to the teeth and make your teeth whiter permanently – but this is only very slow and the success is very small. From Odolmed 3 there is also a whitening toothpaste that also helps. You can’t drink coffee or smoke. at least one should put teeth in the early after the coffee.
I used these activated carbon, too, to make sure the teeth get whiter, but it’s fake.
So they also recommended that I use it now. Thank you.
You mean the Elmex tooth gel. That is a good idea and actually helps. Massage 2 minutes with the toothbrush and wait another 2-3 minutes and then rinse. I’ll probably test this with the hydrogen peroxide next week. But as soon as I feel an empathy again, of course, I immediately listen to it and wait 6 months!
Yes sounds good, thanks for your help!
No, the color is natural. That’s not discoloration.
It’s different for everyone.
Bleaching and similar procedures damage the teeth, I would also strongly advise.
It’s not so beautiful.
Light yellow teeth are also beautiful!
Main thing, they’re well maintained!
What many do not know, there are antibiotics that can yellowishly discolor the remaining teeth when they were taken in toddlers before the tooth change.
No other way there is not the 1. Don’t ruin your teeth.
No, there is definitely not. Bleaching preparations from the pharmacy, drugstore market or INet do not keep what the advertising promises. They are out-of-charge money and attack the tooth enamel, which must be avoided with you.