get teeth whiter?

I'm 13 and have braces. Even though I brush regularly, my teeth have developed plaque. There's a slight yellow coating on some of my teeth, and I'm embarrassed about it. What can I do? Because I really do brush normally and properly.

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2 years ago

Hello, Leonie,

the orthodontics also makes dental cleaning. Of course, this is more difficult for braces. But there’s the air-flow device, that’s a blasting device that gets rid of coverings.

Good luck!


2 years ago

Professional dental cleaning can help

2 years ago

You can make a professional dental cleaning at the dentist.

otherwise it is normal, the teeth are not completely white

2 years ago

2x/year a professional dental cleaning can be carried out + let you show how to brush your teeth properly with a brace and how to use properly dental silk/interdental brushes.

2 years ago

You could brush your teeth after every meal. However, the frequency is less decisive than the greenishness. So the right teeth cleaning. Maybe a professional toothbrush will help you, but it’s not necessary. It depends on the technology. It also helps to rinse your mouth more often with water and pull through the interspaces.