Zähne Knirschen beim Kind. Was tun?
Mein Kind (4) knirscht jede Nacht mit den Zähnen. Was kann man dagegen machen? Der Zahnarzt sagt solange es die Milchzähne sind ist es nichts schlimmes aber das geht die ganze Nacht und hört sich auch nicht gesund an.
Looking for another dentist if that’s the case for a long time and he doesn’t take it seriously.
This could come from mental problems (stress, pressure, worries, tension), as well as from the jaw or other causes that should be excluded.
And even if it happens “only” as in some older children or adults without any obvious reason, one should possibly do something about it, whether it is just a rail that is then ground off instead of the teeth.
Because this will stop as soon as the first remaining tooth is there and then damage it. Yes, in some people, it stops by itself with time, but not with all.
Whether rails are going on with such small children, even because of the danger of choking, I honestly don’t know.
You should therefore rather get a second opinion from another dentist, who says wait for the first time, then that’s right.
there are tooth rails for the night. You can talk to the dentist about your daughter.
Clamp a wooden block between the teeth before falling asleep.